Example sentences of "of course this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Of course this rant has nothing to do with the fact that the Fat DOS team recently took its first flight in a F15 and Strike Eagle .
2 Of course this sally , and the discovery of our locational ancestry opened the way to friendship , though we soon realised that we had much more in common , not least a sharp sense of humour , which we were both going to need .
3 And of course this policeman used to come and see me ever so often , but me mother never saw his co-operation .
4 Of course this kind of thoughtful extension is alien to most Highland hotel owners .
5 Alison Vaissiere ( the Fair 's organiser ) : Four years ago we drew up a five-year plan ; the first theme in 1989 coincided with the tercentenary of William and Mary and was titled ‘ A tribute to the age of William and Mary ’ ; the following year was ‘ Italy and the Grand Tour ’ ; last year , ‘ The Art and influence of Japan ’ coincided with the Japan Festival ; and of course this year celebrates American patronage .
6 Of course this sense , as Tolkien kept repeating , was largely an illusion , even a provocation to which a wise man should not respond .
7 That was of course this space 's alternative joke ( that is , not a joke at all ) .
8 Of course this possibility is dependent on national markets being ‘ segmented ’ or uncorrelated with each other .
9 Of course this film was a condemnation of sweat-shop conditions , and of course it was a melodrama in which poor girls have affairs with the boss 's sons and in which the heroine brandishes a gun in order to make one son do the honourable thing but above all it was a vehicle for a star who had already become one of Hollywood 's hottest properties .
10 Of course this calculation has to be taken with a pinch of salt .
11 Of course this qualification is unlikely to hold , and indeed it is also unlikely that prices differing from marginal costs in various other sectors are easily correctable .
12 ( Of course this factor varies according to the character of the musical material : placid material calls for much less change than material which has a strong emotional urge . )
13 Low cost housing has become less and less available , as councils have been refused the resources to build and of course this savage and unwarranted cuts in the social services .
14 Er and then I 'll tell you then when was in the er on Square and of course this council house as what this council house what 's built now , it was n't there then , it used to be different council house , there used to be a great big archway .
15 Introduce intellectual reasoning , and of course this threat is seen as harmless .
16 The inspector was standing in a public place at the time , and of course this message came up over the radios of all police officers on the Division …
17 But of course this viewpoint was liable to emerge in any case at a time in which government was extending its reach down the social scale , to affect towns , privileged communities , and even on occasion serfs .
18 I said so to Tom and he said of course this girl is n't all that popular with the men — that 's an important part of a production assistant 's job — and he said ‘ she 'd give anything to be in your place — to be married and have a baby ’ .
19 Paragraph , of course this seed is still in Christchurch New Zealand and it is not our intention to bring any forward to the U K at this time .
20 Well , of course this option must be open , but the needs of the women who choose to stay at home , if only for a short time , can not be ignored .
21 The book describes how we live and have always lived , with wars and destruction , therefore of course this book could happen , it is almost like a book of facts about mankind .
22 My mother I remember there was a sale of work going on at Palfrey church once and bef I had just been made apprentice at Wolverhampton and of course I got amongst the , they , when they came the , the Derby day they were all having a bet on it so I , I said to the give them half a crown , so he said you ca n't have half a crown and he said what do you want it for so I said they 're putting it on a horse was on this horse it won , so of course this sale of work was in great progress when I gets off the train at station and thought well I could n't understand in er Palfrey Church Hall , so she was there in all her finery and I said we 've won , we 've won she said shut up , shut up she said but erm no I think the biggest character in Caldmore was Father .
23 But of course this technology software or hardware and indeed our requirements are not standing still .
24 Berg makes frequent use of multiplying rhythms ( or etc. ) to form long , flowing phrases , but of course this proliferation of small cells is by no means new .
25 Of course this point does not dispose of the challenge itself .
26 Of course this figure tells one nothing at all about why the material has the strength which it has and whether it ought to be stronger .
27 Yeah but but of course this chap has been doing this research in erm Bangladesh was n't it , I think ?
28 Things were very simple and this list made that precise point very well but of course this journalist was being somewhat disingenuous as well as cynical .
29 TiGi Linea Instant Conditioner is ideal and of course this process will help your hair become really healthy .
30 Well of course this process pr could just as easily have been progressed through a full scale review of the structure plan rather than an alteration .
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