Example sentences of "of having been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Spenser could consider himself a gentleman only on the basis of having been to university and acquired a Master of Arts degree .
2 As she wheeled her bicycle down the vicarage drive , she had a purely professional sense of having done nothing , but nevertheless of having been of use .
3 It is at least possible that their features came from their father 's side of the family , judging from an anecdote which Herbert told of having been on holiday at the Cape as a young man .
4 And for other girls in Carlen 's study , the scars of having been in care are more vivid .
5 Given his head at the Republican convention of 1952 he accused the Democrats of having been in charge of ‘ twenty years of treason ’ , a phrase which stuck , much to the Republican advantage .
6 I had the advantage of having been in the Civil Service in the war and [ was ] even offered establishment in the Treasury as a permanent thing .
7 Apparently one of the reception clerks , a man called Edouard , turned up at work with a black eye and other signs of having been in a good fight .
8 Over and again eye-witnesses at Verdun testify to the curious sensation of having been in the line twice , three times , without ever having seen an enemy infantryman .
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