Example sentences of "of life [prep] which " in BNC.

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1 She wants to know whether she was judged on the piece of sculpture itself ; and if so is it not true that time alone can judge a work of art ? or was she judged on her talent ; if so , is it right that she should be judged on a part of life over which she has no control ?
2 This is the time of life at which friends and acquaintances begin to die ; women have been through the menopause and men can no longer deny that their virility is diminishing .
3 It means that this type of analysis lights upon a particular aspect of social life and social change ( and an aspect of life with which Chicagoans were immediately concerned in the 1920s ) without attending to what Castells or a structuralist Marxist would see as the principal underlying processes affecting people 's lives , especially economic processes and those related to the social relations of production .
4 Yet it was the least characteristic and least congenial part of Anselm 's work , the area of life on which he had least to say .
5 This , realized Dyson with a sense of homecoming , was where he belonged ; this was the way of life for which his character and education had fitted him .
6 But if we go on refusing to accept our true age and try instead to remain at a stage of life to which we no longer properly belong , then looking younger than our years is a false statement .
7 He did not abandon the results of these strenuous efforts under the stress of emotion : through all the superficial symptoms of strong feeling , he was still seeking to follow the principle of life to which he was committed by his monastic vows .
8 This is the ultimate way of life to which sharedealers aspire .
9 A history of failure in an area of life to which the person is highly committed not only makes him particularly vulnerable to depression following a further experience of failure , but can also raise the probability of further failures .
10 The Wagner Report set the goal that residential care should offer a positive experience : ‘ actively aimed at providing every resident with the highest quality of life of which they are capable and indeed a better life than would be open to them in any other environment ’ ( ibid. , p. 8 ) .
11 You can revolt against it by a breakdown in health or morale , going what the Americans call stir-crazy' ; or you can accept it calmly , as just a temporary ‘ pause ’ in your normal way of life from which you intend to extract some good for yourself and others , keeping active , keeping your eyes on the world beyond the bars , and planning and preparing yourself for your ultimate return to it .
12 Utterances about literature make sense , and are generally understood , within the form of life in which they are habitually made .
13 We have all had experiences of life in which the suffering of others has led us to ask questions of God and about God .
14 We are saving a way of life in which the features are kindliness , freedom and above all , wisdom .
15 Whether they remain in Edinburgh or betake themselves to other lands and whatever be the walk of life in which they were bred I believe the students of this seminary will be found everywhere and at all times promoting civilisation in the world . ’
16 The general postulates of each theory have , however , much in common : the contrasts between them depend on the phylogenetic features brought to the varying ecological conditions of life in which the animals live .
17 She was courteous and obliging to all , chearful , good-natured , and contented in the Station of Life in which Providence had placed her .
18 Residence at the Tuileries imposed on the Imperial family a pattern of life in which rare moments of private relaxation alternated with the exhausting obligations of public ceremonial .
19 And unless someone possesses unique powers of extrasensory perception which enables him to influence the balls in the caller 's cabinet , character references are strictly irrelevant to the outcome of the jolly game of life in which eyes look down rather than upward for support .
20 The hill towns of central Italy witness very obviously to two historical facts : to a continuity of life far surpassing the English towns we have compared with them , and to a love of independence , of a way of life in which turbulence and freedom and constant war were endemic factors .
21 Pick an area of life in which you wish to move forward — perhaps health , work , relationships , money or spirituality — and scribble down whatever comes to mind about your self-image in that area ( e.g. ‘ Me and health ’ ; ‘ Me and work ’ ) .
22 Are there any areas of life in which you consistently deny responsibility ?
23 Since in the last decades of the twentieth century all valuations are in question , let us start by imagining a manner of life in which I do without them altogether .
24 It represents a new way of life in which the behaviour and requirements of the collective body are present at every moment . ’
25 There may be ( in fact , there are ) many areas of life in which the position of black Americans and other minorities needs to be improved .
26 This is one area of life in which women have a definite advantage !
27 To fail in marriage nowadays is to go bankrupt in a business of life in which everyone engages and in which the large majority at least appear to be successful .
28 The Greece that these writers evoke for him is a whole culture , a mode of life in which there is no division between material and spiritual , gods and men :
29 The idea of a postmodern culture refers , however , to a way of life in which signs and forms of communication have largely become separated from content and from the specific contexts in which they are being projected and received .
30 That the quality of the reactions of a period of life in which the superego did not as yet exist should be the pattern upon which is modelled the manic state ( the basis of which is temporary withdrawal of the superego ) is exactly what we should expect .
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