Example sentences of "of their [noun] when " in BNC.

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1 They may never make it to Wembley , but just remember girls , all the frustrated football commentators among them just might get it out of their system when they 're actually on the pitch !
2 I am not expecting my parents to be reaching the end of their life when they are fortyish but I am likely to be expecting this , although probably unconsciously , when my parents are ninetyish .
3 Residents of the flats told of their shock when the bomb exploded .
4 Many mums and dads only realised the extent of their problems when they were caught out by their kids , added the princess , patron of the Adult Literacy Unit .
5 For many men the most important grieving they do is over the loss of their work when made redundant or on retirement .
6 She was offering herself to him on a silver platter , no strings attached , and she would simply cope with the agony of their parting when the time came .
7 Malignant melanoma and renal adenocarcinoma proved most responsive : approximately 25 per cent of these patients experience regression of their tumours when given interleukin-2 only .
8 At British general elections , vote counts are reported at constituency level only , so that where a party gets its votes is largely unknown ( though party workers have efficient ways of estimating the geography of their support when acting as scrutineers at the count ) .
9 All-Ireland Under-21 champions Tyrone made a convincing start to the defence of their crown when they overwhelmed a poor Monaghan side at Omagh yesterday .
10 He points out that most certified trainees come straight from school and so are cheaper to employ in the earlier stages of their qualification when they are of less use .
11 It was the time of their lives when they found it hardest to make ends meet .
12 ‘ Annabel and Clare are going to get the surprise of their lives when we tell them about us ! ’
13 You have to admire the ones with the guts to go it alone and make something of their lives when times are hard , even if the ways they do so are not strictly legal .
14 He thought of all those white-faced passengers , panic-stricken as they peered out of their windows when they heard the engines spooling up again , wheels rumbling as they were noisily retracted , finally followed by the sharp upward tilt as the plane climbed out from the airport at full power .
15 It is at the larva stage of their development when boring and feeding of the grubs takes place that the damage is caused because the adult beetles do not eat and they live only for a short time .
16 Three former executives of the company were acquitted at the Old Bailey in November of illegally trying to export arms-making equipment to Iraq amid accusations that Government ministers encouraged manufacturers to emphasise the peaceful uses of their products when seeking export licences .
17 But there was a detachment in their manner which shut people out , and frequently these children would refuse to take any notice of their parents when they came to visit .
18 TWO little girls died after an horrific accident in front of their mothers when they were struck by a car which mounted the pavement .
19 mind you it 's not surprising the size of their dicks when they get horny is it ?
20 I would be glad if you could investigate this matter and advise contractors , and others who may have access to this accommodation , of their obligation when undertaking work .
21 Even the awkward , the misfits , the discontented , feel a lessening of their misery when they realize they have a place , specially set for them , at a dinner which has been the subject of much thought , care , and several hours of preparation .
22 I realized that I had a splitting headache and that my knee joints were uncertain of their purpose when I stood up .
23 Although you can not see these marks on screen ( some word-processors do , however , give you the option ) , you must be aware of their existence when editing a document .
24 But frequently they appear to have taken leave of their senses when it comes to choosing the right sort of women .
25 He was short and deeply unpopular with everyone because he had cheated them out of their money when he collected their taxes for the Roman army .
26 ‘ of atrocious memory , who courted and married fourteen wives , and destroyed them all by tickling the soles of their feet when they was sleeping in the consciousness of innocence and virtue ’ .
27 Despite the availability of consumer magazines like Which ? people are still not always sure of their rights when it comes to the purchase , or indeed the sale , of goods .
28 This unit 's main aims are to inform pupils of their rights when they buy an item and what they can do should that item be defective in any way .
29 According to producer John Mair 's extremely detailed investigation , British Rail got hopelessly out of their depth when they escalated Red Star from a simple station-to-station service to home delivery , and then to an international operation .
30 Hampshire think they may lose up to a quarter of their membership when Dean Park goes after this season .
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