Example sentences of "of which we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For , with some qualifications which do not much affect the main point , he suggests that when we give reasons for an ethical statement we are typically making factual claims acceptance of which we hope will cause others to have the attitude it expresses and he distinguishes this sharply from the case where one statement gives some kind of logical or rational support to another .
2 As each person dies , he does so in a little skirmish of the platoon that is parallel to , and reflects , one of the four major disastrous battles of the war — Dunkirk , Dieppe , Alamein and Arnhem — which is shown in tinted black-and-white footage , some of which we shot and some of it archive material .
3 Neither my sister nor I can remember exactly what we had for dinner , but we chose not merely a good cheese but a claret of which we hoped he would approve .
4 To test ( 0 , 1 5 , 1 25 ) for efficiency in P1 , we observe that x 2 , x 3 > 0 , x 1 = s 1 = s 2 = 0 so that t 2 = t 3 = 0 and the constraints of the dual problem of LP* ( 0 , 1 5 , 1 52 ) , of which we seek a non-negative solution , become
5 The riches of which we speak ?
6 But in our society the self-denial of which we speak has a moral dimension which is not strongly recognised in all civilisations .
7 He nevertheless adapted well to this new-fangled contraption and made the most excellent coffee on it , of which we drank many cups with him and his family during their visit .
8 of course our members er of which we 've got a hundred and twenty three thousand , flood the lines into Luton wanted to know what happens they imagined a surplus as being some pot of er big tub of notes that they can dip it and we can dip into , but of course the surpluses have been used basically by British Telecom in particular for funding early retirement schemes er we 're in no way in knowledge whether the money 's every been paid back .
9 I mean tha , is it all , you know , do we need all the time to have erm extra administrative help and in in , and in terms of which we 've been talking about before , I know they might sound like two conflicting issues but one of the ways of ensuring we get the work done is do we trying too much at the Synod ?
10 Education must , at all costs , eschew all tendencies or even appearances of a commitment to the maintenance and reproduction of the unjust social order and undemocratic value system to the overthrow of which we sacrificed so much in the struggle .
11 At the time of which we write , Pétain was a bachelor of sixty , with commendable vigour for his age .
12 More than 300 from 120 staff , of which we implemented more than 100 , ’ she says .
13 It is , in a memorable phrase from the 1930s , a faraway country of which we know little .
14 We know they were a contributory factor , but our curiosity is aroused by the hints of maladies of which we know virtually nothing .
15 Furthermore , is it not overwhelmingly likely that there are other factors involved of which we know nothing , or which we simply overlook ?
16 In the telescope they look like very faint stars , but they have enormous redshifts , indicating that they are retreating from us extremely swiftly and are thus distant — the most distant objects of which we know .
17 How much more difficult when that old person is of a different race or culture from one 's own , has a lifetime of tradition and experience of which we know nothing and has been subjected to hostile experiences , whether the horror of the Holocaust or consistent denigration by virtue of skin colour ?
18 There may be subtleties of interaction below the soil surface of which we know little or nothing .
19 They are not the only good things , but they are much the best , at least among good things of which we know .
20 Let us now consider more closely the main positive conclusion Moore reaches by application of his two principles , namely that personal affection and the contemplation of beautiful objects are by far the two most important good things of which we know .
21 Or rather , he holds that all the great goods of which we know involve consciousness ; there may conceivably be others of which we are ignorant .
22 These speak , I believe , of some deep , personal experience of which we know nothing .
23 It is not the case that we name one condition as cause because it is different from others in any respect having to do with the relations of which we know .
24 If we maintain that cc was a causal circumstance for & , we are maintaining the conditionals of which we know , notably that if cc occurred , then even if certain things of a general class had also occurred , e would still have occurred .
25 ( b ) Suppose we have a matrix B of which we know the reciprocal
26 It has been argued that the liberals ' respect for property precluded any satisfaction of land-hungry labourers ( some of whom had seized land in the troubles , a process of which we know nothing ) , and that the abolition of the guilds — again the programme of the eighteenth-century economists — worsened the condition of the small artisan .
27 The problem of co-ordination of these various professional skills was solved in various ways , of which we know very little just because , it seems , no general and abstract solution was stabilized .
28 ’ Mala love , ’ I said patiently , ’ Fraxilly is a faraway place of which we know little .
29 However , we thought bail and custodial remands , of which we observed few , might repay a closer look .
30 For that of which we relate is our interpretation , our presentational continuum coloured not so much by the world as by our own senses .
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