Example sentences of "of which [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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31 Though an electric car itself may be an inefficient machine , with a battery , electric motor and transmission system , all of which are individually efficient , the car requires electricity from a plug in the garage to charge up its batteries and the Electricity Generating Board and Power Stations are themselves inherently inefficient and they perhaps introduce a fact of only thirty percent into the overall conversion of primary fuel , that is coal , oil , gas , or nuclear , into electricity .
32 The façade is pierced by five doorways filled with bronze doors , some of which are remarkably new for so ancient a building .
33 Right from level one there is a balanced mixture of the four skills — reading , writing , listening , and speaking — all of which are carefully developed throughout the series .
34 All that remains of the Saussurean model is the primacy of language and an emphasis on the signifier , both of which are even more strongly asserted here than in poetics .
35 Cupertino-based EcoSystems Software Inc reckons it has scored a first with its EcoSphere and EcoTools/Oracle client-server systems management software , the production versions of which are just shipping .
36 I bequeath my house as above to Mr. Clive Smith together with half the value of my shares , the total of which are just under £17,000 .
37 The reference in the 18 April document to ‘ my shares , the total of which are just under £17,000 ’ — a repeat of similar information given by the deceased to Mr. Burgess on 25 March 1986 — was treated by the deputy judge as consistent with , if not corroborative of , the confused state of the deceased 's mind to which some of the witnesses had referred .
38 The disk has large granular spinelets , some of which are just rounded others with a crown of 3 or 4 points , scattered over the dorsal and ventral surfaces .
39 Now what has happened in the last decade or so , through the advent of radioastronomy , is that we 've discovered that there are vast clouds of molecules between the stars and they 're just chock a block with very intriguing molecules , many of which are just the sort of things we would expect to be in the prebiotic soup .
40 Other big firms , some of which are also informally relaxing their rules on unpaid leave for juniors , have also been making large-scale job cuts .
41 There is a selection of perennials , biennials and annuals which produce abundant flowers for cutting , many of which are also ideal for drying .
42 Similar in appearance are the cathedral corals , ( Sinularia species ) which are often purple in colour , and have fingerlike projections rather thank ridges on the polypary , thus being morphologically halfway between the encrusting leather corals and the bushy , tree-like soft corals , many of which are also species of Sinularia .
43 Groove Tubes has worked with ‘ legendary guitarists ’ as well , who all endorse Groove Tubes ( unsolicited and not under contract ) , some of which are also Peavey endorsees .
44 A grossly unstable patient from a referring hospital turns out to be a typical ( for us ) unstable angina ; a patient with life-threatening ventricular tachycardia can only come to Barts for the appropriate highly specialised medical or nursing therapy ( or one of the few other centres , most of which are also on the Tomlinson hit-list ) .
45 What we mainly have in answer so far , about causes and causal circumstances , is that they stand in seven connections — the last three of which are also fundamental to what will be said of nomic correlates .
46 As a form of dianthus , sweet Williams are closely related to the garden pinks , any of which are also richly endowed with scent , like the old favourite Mrs Sinkins .
47 Dugongs feed on sea grasses which have tissue fluids as concentrated as sea water , while baleen whales and crab-eater seals eat krill and other crustaceans , the body fluids of which are also as concentrated as sea water .
48 Of this total , UK company securities accounted for over 50 per cent , and overseas securities , by far the greater part of which are also company shares , accounted for 13 per cent .
49 Expressions for covariant derivatives of tensors of any rank can be obtained , all of which are also tensors .
50 The National Progressive Front , headed by President Assad , was formed in 1972 by the Ba'ath Party with the four parties listed below , all of which are also represented in the People 's Assembly .
51 It is also suggested that the release is sent to the Glasgow Herald and the Scottish County Press ; the latter group covers a number of local papers ( some of which are also considered suitable for Statutory Notices , see paragraph 11c ) .
52 Both of which are also non-political so that 's that 's a good step forward .
53 There are a host of audition pieces to be derived from the soliloquies and monologues , many of which are well tried favourites , and almost any selection will be reasonably well known .
54 These include Epilobium , Artemisia , Polygonum , Potentilla ( cinquefoil ) and Polemonium ( Jacob 's ladder ) , all of which are well established at several sites in Sheffield .
55 There are exemptions from the proposed requirement in this connection , which are intended to obviate the need to provide details of ordinary shares , the characteristics of which are well understood .
56 ( Ail of which are well represented in the story as I am learning it . )
57 Of course there are increasing numbers of hungry children in Peru who stare mistrustfully at camera-laden gringos ( white tourists ) , but your front cover does nothing towards providing an image of either the anger and creativity of Peruvian people , nor the barbaric economic situation that has been imposed upon their country by the current world economic order , both of which are well described within the issue .
58 Now called Poreć , this cathedral was built in 535–43 and displays a high standard of design and craftmanship in its layout , carving and mosaic , all of which are well up to Ravenna standards and better than the work at Grado or Aquileia .
59 Phase two will be to build on the group 's strong brand names Union Locks , Lips Safes , and Pyrene fire detection all of which are well known .
60 And your point , which I think is very important , is erm maybe this is an analysis that has to be given erm by a multiplicity of necessary conditions , none of which is singularly sufficient , but all of which are jointly necessary and sufficial .
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