Example sentences of "of this at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , a single success if it is too costly in terms of time , commitment , motivation or any other resource , may be at the expense of future changes — and we may be seeing some evidence of this at the moment in terms of the reactive stance of large parts of the service .
2 Of course , Carol was not aware of this at the time she acquired her permit ; she was not yet born .
3 The inescapable fact is that I did n't want to be a woman , although I was unaware of this at the time .
4 We now know that Robin Smith , John Cunningham and Pat Walsh in Scotland , and Arthur Dolphin and Pete Greenwood in the Lakes , were doing first ascents every bit as difficult as those by Joe Brown and Don Whillans — but I do n't remember being aware of this at the time .
5 He often came out as a bit of a bighead and , accused of this at the time , took a tape-measure and agreed that his head had indeed expanded by one-eighth of an inch since leaving Wales .
6 While Barth had by no means worked through all the implications of this at the time of his controversy with Brunner , the disagreement which came into the open in 1934 can be seen in retrospect as foreshadowing the shape of his own future theology .
7 Our unconscious acknowledgement of this at the time lay in taking up as little space as possible , not being a nuisance .
8 " Scald a sufficient quantity of fruit , and pulp it through a sieve , add sugar agreeable to taste , make a thick layer of this at the bottom of your dish : mix a pint of milk , a pint of cream , and the yolks of two eggs : scald it over the fire , observing to stir it : add a small quantity of sugar , and let it get cold : then lay it over the apples or gooseberries with a spoon , and put on the whole a whip [ a syllabub ] made the day before .
9 An example of this at the level of the firm was provided in Chapter 1 where , despite having similar plant and equipment in both Halewood and Saarlouis , the Ford Motor Company 's productivity in the latter plant was much higher .
10 That is why the hon. Gentleman timidly teetered round the edge of this at the outset , saying that of course there may in some circumstances be benefits .
11 The island and its neighbour Warbah have been claimed by Iraq in the past and may well have been among Iraq 's objectives in mounting the invasion a year earlier , although there was no strong evidence of this at the time .
12 She smilingly reminded me of this at an audience six years later .
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