Example sentences of "of us [verb] our " in BNC.

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1 So we all had a good laugh at the sparks and all of us unzipped our flies and peed in the river whether we wanted to or not .
2 The three of us pick our way across the pot-holes past a couple of lock-up garages into the patch of waste ground that leads to the blocks of flats .
3 The three of us cleaned our plates pretty thoroughly , because morning is the busiest working time in practice and I was always famished by midday .
4 Most of us hurt our faces and our legs .
5 ‘ Neither of us kept our voice down .
6 Since the mid 1980s , increased public awareness of healthy eating has made many of us rethink our diets .
7 He appeared unrepentant and impassioned in favour of us developing our nuclear muscle — for defence .
8 During those early seventies , despite the avalanche of heterosexism that constantly slid in our direction , including the virulent expressions of women-hating propounded by Father Church , a group of us waged our own war at the patriarchal system .
9 No , well how many of us know our local policeman ?
10 With planning it is possible for all of us to clarify our thoughts about our hopes and future needs .
11 The rest of us made our way to a farm where we were given tea and biscuits .
12 He calls us by name , and his relationship to each one of us fits our own person uniquely .
13 At the Confirmation Mass each of us had our special responsibility as musician , reader or at the preparation of the gifts .
14 By the end of the day each of us had our own small nest-egg of vivid memories to take home and treasure .
15 Many of us had our suspicions , but because he covered his tracks so well no one has ever been able to prove anything .
16 Many of us ask our students to act at some points in our lessons .
17 Eight of us took our places in the small but crowded cinema .
18 So four of us took our stirrup pumps and torches and picked our way through what was a minefield .
19 But the likelihood is that everyone else is consuming the same product ; with the inexorable rise in the number of books in print , there are now approaching 600,000 different titles to choose from , allowing each of us to tailor our reading precisely to our own individual needs and preferences .
20 The day after our Confirmation many of us began our work-experience from school — a good reminder for us of our new role as Catholic adults in God 's world .
21 The problem is that it would be in the self-interest of any one of us to withhold our contribution , let everyone else contribute , gain free health care and keep the cash .
22 ‘ But neither of us allows our feelings for the other to get in the way of all the things we have to do .
23 None of us wants to be murdered , raped , or robbed ; none of us wants our property stolen , smashed , or destroyed , none of us wants our bodies punched , kicked , bitten , or tortured .
24 None of us wants to be murdered , raped , or robbed ; none of us wants our property stolen , smashed , or destroyed , none of us wants our bodies punched , kicked , bitten , or tortured .
25 ‘ All of us want our kids to learn English — the language of work .
26 But in the real world , where most of us enjoy our horses and look on them as part of the family , pony power can really score .
27 Roughing it Many of us believe our skin will look better if we slough off dead cells by using a facial scrub .
28 Some of us have found the jobs we sought ; some have found renewed enthusiasm and enhanced skills for the search ; others are even now joining to take advantage of an organisation that is getting into its stride for greater efforts : but all of us send our very sincere thanks to all who have helped us when we needed them .
29 But you never know , it 's really too early to say , but all of us have our little musical platforms . ’
30 All of us have our underworld and nether world creatures with whom we carry on some inner conversation .
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