Example sentences of "of state [noun] [be] " in BNC.

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1 When Secretary of State Marshall was cabling the Embassy in Paris that Ho Chi Minh had direct Communist connections — whether or not this was a fact depends upon what one means by ‘ connection ’ — he argued that it was also a fact that colonial empires , in the l9th-century sense , were rapidly becoming a thing of the past .
2 In a romantic , rather cloying story of an English family , the authoress Jan Struther ( Joyce Anstruther ) showed how things had changed : A new community feeling was being expressed and those keen to work for the development of State initiatives were quick to feed on it ( Marwick , 1968 ) .
3 Instead , he argues , one must recognize ‘ a long series of endeavours to resolve persistent questions concerning the duties of the individual , the family and the community in provision for the less fortunate ’ , of which the twentieth-century saga of state pensions is but one chapter .
4 The golden days of state money are over , and joint ventures — co-finance and co-productions with European TV networks or private companies — are not always happy .
5 Hence , nominally in the same way as under the system of state procurement are the chief apparatus of the new system of equilibrium .
6 The nature of state education is clearly important .
7 The extension of CTC principles and practice into the rest of state education is also under way .
8 The civil and military instruments which would provide peter the Great with the leverage for a more forthright assertion of state interests were taking shape .
9 The system of state welfare is seen as one of the central means whereby society moves towards the creation of social equality .
10 How can the process of state building be developed ?
11 The ‘ monolithic ’ character of state TV was ending .
12 Third , the political rationale of state interventions is often ignored in favour of economic explanations only .
13 The most significant divergence from earlier processes of state formation is probably to be found in the active role of organized political parties which can mobilize mass support , or of military officers whose strength lies in their experience of modern technology and administration and their control of the means of physical coercion .
14 FAMILIES in receipt of state benefit are forced to go hungry because of lack of money according to a National Children 's Home survey just published .
15 Such explanations of state behaviour are ‘ society-centred ’ , seeing the state as a cipher , a machine or a mirror in our vocabulary .
16 The welfare of those they ruled and still more the greatness of the State ( now clearly separated from the ruler and the ruling dynasty ) dominated their calculations as never before ; indeed an ideal of State service was the one thing which they had in common .
17 11.2% of State Budget is allocated to health care ;
18 A major reshuffle of state governors was announced on Dec. 14 .
19 Thus , the Gaullist concept of state broadcasting was applied when television became a mass medium , and the regime became presidentialist and plebiscitary .
20 The right and centre-right , ‘ conservatives ’ and ‘ liberals ’ continued to control both the presidency ( 1974–8I ) and the prime ministership ( 1974–81 ; 1986–8 ) ; but the ‘ ancien regime ’ of state broadcasting was at an end .
21 At the same time , some forms of state support are provided , not only on grounds of age or disability alone , but contingent on whether or not informal carers are seen as able to give assistance .
22 Although these three key areas of state activity were excluded from the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 , as we shall see , the rhetoric surrounding the changes proposed , and already made , included greater concern than in the past to treat women as individuals rather than as dependants on men .
23 With the threat of the election staring Ministers in the face , will the Secretary of State stop being complacent and persuade Cabinet colleagues to change their policies to ones that will create opportunity and stability for our business community in Wales ?
24 A number of state governments are introducing loan and grant programmes to help station owners meet the compliance costs .
25 The NCGA , supported by the Government Finance Officers ' Association , was concerned with state and local government ; the Council of State Governments was concerned with state government ; the General Accounting Office of the Federal Government has set standards for federal departments and agencies .
26 Elite theory accounts of state organization are developed and detailed , and we first review five aspects where the approach has made a distinctive contribution : the role of political leaderships in liberal democracies , the predominance of bureaucracies in shaping policy-making , the reasons for fragmentation ( or centralization ) of governmental tiers and sectors , the role of law , and the strong policy connections between government activities and major economic interests .
27 Specify capitalism 's needs at any time and the structure of state organization is explained — except of course in periods of acute crisis .
28 The privatization of state assets is channelled into a gradual process trying to attract foreign investment but slow in helping the emergence of a new middle-class of small entre-preneurs .
29 Thus , while the principal economic function of state enterprises is usually quite well-defined and stable over time , they also perform many other economic functions which may place complex and often contradictory demands on them .
30 The industrial relations consequences associated with the reform of state enterprises are therefore doubly ambiguous .
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