Example sentences of "of his [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Coming out of his road end .
2 Waugh led the Ashes batting averages with 126.5 from eight Test innings including four unbeaten knocks , but bowled only sparingly in the series because of his back problem .
3 this is all out of his back window the views out of upstairs , out of his kitchen window .
4 Only now , after the sell-out success of his first one-man show at Glasgow 's Barbizon Gallery , is he moving out of his back bedroom into a studio proper .
5 By the encore the chubby middle-aged chap in front of me , like many in the hall , had lost all touch with decorum , and , during ‘ Summertime Blues ’ was standing on his seat , windmilling his arms over the strings of his air guitar .
6 In the case of a Claimant travelling alone and able to return to the U.K. on his own , if the return portion of his air ticket can be used to return to the U.K. , then no claim can be paid as no additional expenses have been incurred .
7 A smallholder , by virtue of his small scale , may often be able to farm successfully in a manner defying the commercial conventions of the district , but such success will depend upon his grasp of the principles of soils , crops , and animal husbandry and a wise assessment of his land potential .
8 The developer is also faced with the problem of determining the Optimum size of his land bank .
9 Gloucestershire 's top trainer David Nicholson was opening the doors of his Condicote yard for the very last time
10 Pooley pulled up in front of his apartment building and handed Amiss the keys and the newspapers .
11 He laughs , gazing out of his apartment window towards the dome of St Paul 's Cathedral , rising above the City of London 's grimy skyline .
12 He died 10 years later , on 20 June 1828 , in nearby Wellington Street — just two days short of his twenty-ninth wedding anniversary , and a mere two weeks after the death of his pauper uncle , John Titford , in Frome .
13 People like Keith Kirby , who lost thirty thousand pounds of his Nuffield Press pension have had nothing .
14 That 's why I 'm going to tell you my view of his phone call .
15 In the half-light of the room his eyes were scornful , the set of his jaw mocking and hard .
16 At the vital moment of explanation , Harry must have been selecting the England cricket team on the back of his exercise book .
17 Yesterday , as the country 's Constitutional Court weighed the legality of his weekend move in declaring emergency rule , Mr Yeltsin asserted control over the Russian media to safeguard it from a hardline takeover .
18 One is his novel , The Happy-Go-Lucky Morgans ; the other , an incomplete work entitled Fiction which Thomas conceived as a continuation of his Childhood autobiography .
19 She was Van 's piano teacher right up to the Moscow prize , and will tell at the drop of a hat the story of his childhood promise , which first manifested itself when Van was a tender lad of three .
20 Only later , as a reputation as the best hip hop photographer on either side of the Atlantic was developing , did the appropriateness of his childhood nickname , Normski , become evident — given that is , the abundance of ‘ skis ’ in the world of rap , from T-ski Valley and Joeski Love to Jamalski .
21 Because of his childhood experience he had never learnt to swim and , being early evening , there was no one else in sight .
22 Behind Sweeney Agonistes lies Rivers , but Eliot 's interpretation and use of Rivers owes much to the Stevensonian world of his childhood reading , where white men seek paradise with island wives arrayed in ‘ the scarlet flowers of the hibiscus ’ , only to find too often that they are condemned to a life of soul-destroying boredom where ‘ Night on the Beach ’ is followed monotonously by ‘ Morning on the Beach ’ .
23 Standing by the old timber ponds at Clapton , another of his childhood swimming holes , he had felt his tension being blown away by the eternal winds of the Severn .
24 He 's proud of his guitar style , he says , and he has every intention of showing it off .
25 His eyes were lack-lustre and bloodshot , the cheeks of his moon face had collapsed into wan saucers , and the generous tyre of flesh on which the face used to ride was little more than a slack tube .
26 Top of his shopping list is an infusion of yens to speed nuclear research in fusion , fast-breeder reactors and reactor safety .
27 He paused at the counter struggling with the straps of his shopping bag as he laid his self-regulated three weekly books on the counter .
28 The Scouse flicked over a page of his cowboy book and continued reading as the three Commandos chorused , ‘ You lying bastard ’ .
29 St Ives shouted , ‘ Can you hear me , mother ? ’ , and everyone laughed , and then Meredith pulled the hood of his duffle coat over his eyes and lay full length in the centre aisle and moaned .
30 A small boy laughs an unforgivable sin in such a sober and wary atmosphere , his grandad scolds him for destroying the unquiet silence which haunts the underground , he grabs the toy gun clasped in his grandson 's fist and confiscates it after letting it wave foolishly , causing several greatly disturbed heads to turn , he buries into the depths of his duffle coat pocket .
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