Example sentences of "of they be in " in BNC.

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1 Erm , unfortunately one of them 's in hospital at the moment .
2 I think one of them 's in a wheelchair .
3 Unfortunately most of them are in Hebrew .
4 Although the sport and television market appears to be a free-for-all to delight the most Darwinist of entrepreneurs , a scrutiny of those top five private networks soon reveals that four of them are in the hands of a holding firm called Finvest , which is itself the broadcasting vehicle of the Socialist-leaning businessman Silvio Berlusconi .
5 ‘ Most of them are in the south of England , which could , in the next 10 years , see the top teams coming from Chichester or Eastbourne , ’ Roberts said .
6 Some of them are in prison . ’
7 Many of them are in fact very poor and can ill afford their habit .
8 Many of them are in old , dilapidated buildings , and it is likely that some authorities would take the opportunity to reduce surplus places by closing them .
9 Some of them are in the library .
10 Most of them are in legal trouble .
11 Most of them are in a ruinous state with their upper storeys missing shattered by earthquake , war , neglect .
12 It is disturbing to think any of them are in a position of influence in the education field since to a man they seem only capable of talking in cliche-riddled sentences or civil service speak .
13 Four of them are in cities of what you might regard as being of particular interest — Tripoli , Beirut , Damascus and Baghdad . ’
14 Although he produced Venetian and Italian vedute his views of Poland and Germany are the most sought after , although most of them are in the Dresden Museum and National Museum in Warsaw .
15 Daumier is famous for his satirical lithographs ; his equally good drawings and watercolours are less known as so many of them are in private collections .
16 While most of them are in Germany , one of the newest pioneers in the field sprang up in Brkne , Sweden last August .
17 Many of them are in a dangerous condition and at least one contains asbestos .
18 The IMF identifies fifteen heavily indebted countries including Brazil , Argentina , Chile , and Yugoslavia — most of them are in South and Central America — and their indebtedness is largely to private sector banks through the Euro-currency markets .
19 A lot of them are in West Belfast .
20 These cut across the major and minor boundaries in that some of them are in concentrations greater and some lesser one part per million .
21 All of them are in polysyllables before the single nasal and before nasal clusters .
22 Anyway , " he continued , " two of them are in Borneo — and where 's Sinar Surya ? " he asked the general assembly of eavesdropping elders in the corner .
23 Most of them are in it just for the bylines and the booze , you know .
24 ‘ There are adequate championship courses in Britain and many of them are in the top hundred in the world .
25 Four of them are in England : the former Bolton College of Education ( Technical ) , now the Bolton Institute of Higher Education ; Garnett College , London ; the former Huddersfield College of Education ( Technical ) , now part of Huddersfield Polytechnic ; and the former Wolverhampton Technical Teachers ' College , now part of Wolverhampton Polytechnic .
26 Most of them are in the name of Thomas Leavy , a cover identity originally provided by the CIA in 1982 and reinforced by the DIA in 1990 for Operation Shakespeare .
27 Many of them are in the south of England , in seats held by Conservative Members of Parliament .
28 Five of them are in that happy position by chance ; one , just one , is there by deliberate design , carefully phased and executed over months .
29 And to add to all the infamous circumstances which concur to plague a traveller , I must not forget the eternally meeting with chalk-waggons ; themselves frequently stuck fast , till a collection of them are in the same situation , and twenty or thirty horses may be tacked to each , to draw them out one by one .
30 Most of them are in the outer and inner narthices , on the walls , lunettes and in the ceiling shallow domes and ribbed cupolas .
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