Example sentences of "of it [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Nonetheless Count Christoph Douglas , head of Sotheby 's in Germany , declared that he has ‘ complete confidence in Berlin ’ as a location and with the level and amount of bidding at the sale , some of it keenly fought and much of it this time conducted by telephone .
2 It has n't been the most memorable of summers : let's hope the autumn brings more positive energy ( and not all of it chemically induced )
3 Mrs Frizzell digested this truth , and the import of it slowly became clear to her .
4 But then , with Matilda concentrating fiercely , one end of it slowly lifted up about an inch off the table-top .
5 This was fair comment at the time ; some of it doubtless justified .
6 Yet by embarking on these difficult waters we are confronting what religion really is , not a safe cardboard version of it neatly packaged up for general retail .
7 Is any of it double glazed ?
8 Martin pressed himself back into the burial plot , his fear of it temporarily forgotten in the face of this new terror .
9 MUCH has been said in the Steam Railway press about the financial and management trouble of the ‘ Mid-Hants Railway ’ , some of it even forecasting the forthcoming demise of the Watercress Line .
10 Of course , once you release a wild bird , however well you 've trained it , you do run the risk of it just flying away .
11 And in the middle of that , they thought that perhaps an ornamental lighting column with sort of , with lights coming out from the top of it just to make it a bit more fancy .
12 Much of it just fails to scan correctly — very odd for someone who was lecturing and giving tutorials on English poetry .
13 And there is a car with a blue light on the top of it just going through a gate in the fence .
14 There was no need to tell Mrs Blakey everything because so much of it just did n't make sense .
15 Once the decision ‘ matures into validity ’ as it were , acts already done in execution of it also mature into legality because maturity is retrospective .
16 Some of it also goes on several splendid , wonderful , much-admired council newspapers .
17 This is a campaign booklet which I prepared for the RCN 's Association of Nursing Students in 1985 ; much of it also applies to returning nurses .
18 The booklet has been written for permanently appointed people in the ES but people on temporary appointments will find much of it also applies to them .
19 Later on in life those same children may be expected to regard that Bible with such reverence , that the placing of a hand on a copy of it automatically makes their obligation to tell the truth more compelling .
20 His head was like a dustbin , with all sorts of rubbish mingling in it , and all of it eventually spewing out of his mouth .
21 The giant clam ( Tridacna ) of modern reefs is a familiar living goliath , but reports of it greedily trapping divers are legends of dubious veracity .
22 In fact some of it already had .
23 But I mean the main the main I mean in it in certain quarters we 've been down playing that aspect of it simply to get it through .
24 Soon Maggie held a golden ball of thread and St Margaret had one end of it firmly attached to her finger .
25 Friedman has always had a special insight into certain areas of the repertoire ( some of it surely gathered from his great teacher Max Rostal , who died 18 months ago , and whose achievement was to some extent being celebrated in these recitals ) .
26 Within the developed street network , the evidence indicates a surprisingly wide range of buildings and a marked level of architectural pretension , though most of it clearly belongs in a third- or fourth-century context .
27 Those assumptions could no longer be made by Mr Crosland 's Commission , although one or two members of it plainly wished that they could .
28 The intervention is extraordinary , and to think of it otherwise risks ignoring how the interest of the play lies in the psychological , in the testing of our sympathy and understanding of the Macbeths .
29 At his death Burghley 's silver and gold plate was worth £14,000–£15,000 ; much of it probably came from gifts made by aspirants for favour .
30 The statesman as artist — God knows it is a dubious and dangerous idea , but to get rid of it Probably involves demoting statesmen and aspiring statesmen from the privileged position that they still enjoy in public estimation .
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