Example sentences of "of a [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 Many years later , in the mid-eighties , John Malkovich , who was rehearsing Death of a Salesman with Dustin , remarked , ‘ One night we were playing Trivial Pursuit .
2 Making sense of the National Curriculum , at the moment of its introduction , is rather like making sense of a jigsaw with no picture on the box and half of the pieces missing .
3 Some of these patterns could undoubtedly be related to sexual activity ( for example , a male infection on the lower surface of a leg with a female infection on the upper surface of the corresponding leg ) , but sexual contact could not explain all of the distribution patterns .
4 Immediate inspiration was provided by Coleridge 's memory of a conversation with John Cruikshank , his Stowey friend , who had recently recounted his disturbing dream of a spectre ship .
5 In February 1929 Irwin had written to the Secretary of State of a conversation with Gandhi that ‘ what was interesting ’ was his statement that , if Indians were at liberty to order their own future , ‘ we should be astonished by how much they would desire to leave in our hands through lack of self-confidence ’ .
6 My key word for the next three days is born here out of a conversation with the increasingly vocal and 45-degree angled Fyfe .
7 [ Daniel Wilson , The Substance of a Conversation with John Bellingham , 1812 ; The Trial of John Bellingham .
8 My sixth question arises out of a conversation with Dr. John Watts , the rector of St. Kentigerns , Blackburn .
9 I was reading an article ( Echoes , March 3 ) by David Isaacs about an old soldier 's experience in Singapore and it reminded me of a conversation with a friend in Carlisle .
10 Once during the course of a conversation with a fellow teacher she expressed the difficultly that she experiences in ‘ selling membership ’ to class members because she felt that there was ‘ nothing to offer them . ’
11 You will find that only a small quantity of milk is necessary and that a quarter of a pint is quite sufficient to accompany the full daily Fibre-Filler allowance an eighth of a pint with each portion .
12 They can not match our record of ten defeats in a row , having staged something of a revival with three straight victories .
13 She had been perched on the seat of a tractor with the gulls flowing behind her in a slip-stream .
14 A PROPOSAL for the erection of a bungalow with garage on land adjoining Rosebury in Soldridge Road , Medstead has been refused by district planners .
15 Wipe the rim of a goblet with a piece of lemon and dip it in brown sugar .
16 They also tell us of a field with the manor house in a ruinous condition .
17 Mr Dovaston said Magee had a tattoo on his left forearm of a heart with the letter A inside , with the names Pat and Joe underneath .
18 He has a tattoo on his left arm of a heart with the letter A inside with the names Pat and Joe underneath .
19 The basis of a structure with the pointed arch supported on piers led , over many years , to great variety in vault design .
20 A typical CSC workstation consists of a computer with a microphone and video camera .
21 The idea behind MXE is to combine the flexibility and storage capabilities of a computer with real-time call processing and signalling .
22 The evaluators ' initial impression was of a school with a fairly traditional outlook but one in which facilities were enviable .
23 I was conducting my research with the staff of a school with whom I had previously worked .
24 it gets a bit of a chore with different
25 He 'd heard of a buyer with a hunger that was not being satisfied through conventional markets , and Klein had allowed it to be known that he might be able to lay his hands on something attractive .
26 Seventy six consecutive patients attending the general medical clinic of a physician with a special interest in gastroenterology , in whom the principal diagnosis of painful rib syndrome was made , were selected for study .
27 One of the more important possessions of the bishops of St Davids , the palace provides us with a fine example of the way medieval bishops combined the lift of a prelate with that of a country gentleman .
28 Outstanding among them is a previously unknown type , a silver , parcel-gilt strainer with the handle in the form of a dolphin with garnet eyes .
29 These differences in assertiveness ( which , for example , contrast a speaker 's stated commitment to the truth of a proposition with a tentative expression of opinion ) are reflected in differences in modal meaning .
30 He had come out of a nightmare with something of the steel town 's steel inside him .
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