Example sentences of "of be [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Croaking Gourami could be accused of being rather a colourless drab specimen .
2 She was beginning to tackle the problem in her quietly determined way , by suggesting a movie or a shopping trip to one or two of the quieter girls in the nurses ' home , and by spending more time chatting with her patients instead of being simply a sympathetic presence .
3 Nursing has a well-developed managerial hierarchy , unlike medicine , and nursing audit has usually been introduced and run by nurse managers instead of being simply a peer group exercise .
4 The 1633 ‘ Uyttenbogaert ’ fits that bill with the additional advantages of being both a representation of an important figure in Dutch religious history ( although the Rijksmuseum already has a portrait of him by Rembrandt 's contemporary Jacob Backer ) and universally accepted as authentic by the members of the Rembrandt Research Project , some of whom are Rijksmuseum curators .
5 In the final article in this section , Rosemary Clarke compares the activities of teaching and Gestalt therapy , drawing parallels and pointing up interesting distinctions , as well as offering some of what she has learned in the course of being both a teacher and , subsequently , a therapist .
6 It is now out in paperback ( WHAllen ) and deserves the accolade of being both the easiest to read and the most informative book about the Hollywood of the 1920s , written by a real enthusiast .
7 The Department of the Environment ( DoE , the central government department with overall responsibility for local government in England ) was , he says , trapped into the position of being both the advocate of local services within the centre and the guardian of the purse-strings as far as local government was concerned ( in that respect the Secretary of State acted as a sort of ‘ mini chancellor ’ ) ( Rhodes , 1986 , p. 238 ) .
8 No , television advertising of beer should be stopped because the regulations surrounding it ( do n't show excessive drinking , do n't associate drinking with social or sexual success , do n't even hint that people might enjoy the sensation of being just a little bit , no , do n't even say the word , drunk ) have led to a series of creative executions that wander around aimlessly avoiding the subject of beer altogether , until the very end when they name it , or maybe not .
9 ‘ Amaranth Wilikins , 26 , is tired of being just a housewife , ’ read the caption .
10 In 1923 Singapore was connected to the state of Johore in Malaya by a causeway and Singapore station , instead of being merely an entrance to a small island system , became a portal to Malaya and ultimately Thailand .
11 She coped well with the peculiar pressures of being only an honorary man in a male world .
12 No , cos I could imagine Paul sort of being quite a homely chap
13 You two should get along like a house on fire as he 's by way of being quite an authority on horses these days .
14 I said that the payroll levy that the Labour party would introduce would have the effect of being a tax on jobs , in precisely the way that the selective employment tax had the effect of being directly a tax on jobs .
15 He , like Handel , ended his days in London ; where his father 's instruments were disposed of is also a mystery .
16 What the carpet is made of is also an important consideration when buying a new carpet .
17 He apologised to readers and to Philips Dictation Systems : ‘ Could of was simply a typesetting error that slipped passed the keenest eyes ’ , he wrote .
18 If all your essay consisted of was just a series of assertions , there would be little connection or development between the parts : there would be no argument .
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