Example sentences of "of [Wh det] [pers pn] said " in BNC.

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1 2 What do you expect the retail price to be ? $399 was suggested for the 4000 , I think , of which you said $240 would be your net receipts .
2 Miss Murdock , who appears to have had a sense of humour , expressed her high regard for the autochrome process , the delights of which she said , were mainly due to the high number of failures that made the occasional success all the more thrilling .
3 Miss Murdock , who appears to have had a sense of humour , expressed her high regard for the autochrome process , the delights of which she said , were mainly due to the high number of failures that made the occasional successes all the more thrilling .
4 I if I can just remind participants of what we said in our original objection , that further justification will be required to demonstrate that the level of detail proposed in the deposited policy H two is not incompatible with P P G three and does not involve over detailed or unduly restrictive policy guidance .
5 I think we have to say that er I would imagine that plans are well advanced for the nineteen ninety/ninety one/ninety two settlement , er so it may not be immediately that er we will get the benefit of what we said to him .
6 It was only at that point that we felt confident that the field-worker was being talked to by respondents as a person rather than as some novel sex object , and the veracity of what they said could be treated by us with more confidence .
7 The by-laws were lawful not because of what they said but rather because of what they would have said if they had been drafted lawfully .
8 Their general demeanour was like that of elderly clubmen determined that it should be clearly understood that they were men of the world , fully alive to all the tricks of your Tom , Dick and Harry ; yet their actual questions and comments revealed that they had not the remotest notion what sort of a world it was that these East End people they were listening to actually lived in , or how to evaluate their characters and the plausibility of what they said .
9 " Did you hear anything of what they said ? "
10 We are seeking not what Parliament meant but the true meaning of what they said .
11 He watched , aware of a whole vocabulary of gesture there in the dialogue between the two men : conscious not just of what they said but of how they said it ; how their eyes met or did not meet ; how a shared smile would suddenly reveal the depths of their mutual understanding .
12 And presently what was within the books became significant also — quite small books would do , she discovered , because of what they said , one did not always have to get behind Bartholomew 's atlas or the bound volumes of Punch that lurked in the bottom of the sitting-room bookcase .
13 We are seeking not what Parliament meant but the true meaning of what they said … ’
14 In a few cases , staff and parents ' views were downright contradictory , for example , when asked if staff kept them fully informed about their child 's progress , a number of parents felt staff tended not to tell them about their child 's good points whereas staff said that most of what they said to parents was positive .
15 I was aware of their voices but not of what they said .
16 Yeah it does , you see if Ken and Freda or anybody knew they were being televised they 'd be careful of what they said
17 The policeman typed his version of what she said on an old manual Remington .
18 Nora never took any notice of what she said either .
19 For she was afraid , nowadays , of what she said aloud , foolish things , remarks made to other people , in her dreams , in the past , remarks she repeated now accidentally .
20 Your recollection of what she said seems remarkably inaccurate .
21 Whether or not he could hear much of what she said , she did not know , but her heart was saddened that he should be here alone in his last hours .
22 ‘ Lady Ursula Berowne , remind me of what she said , Kate . ’
23 Most of what she said was muted , but three words rang out clearly .
24 I whispered to Catherine that I was sure Heathcliff had heard some of what she said .
25 Willis dealt with her admirably by taking almost no notice of what she said .
26 ‘ That 's only one page of what she said .
27 He was forcing her to be careful of what she said ; setting up areas which were not to be talked about .
28 She nodded her head vigorously and chattered gaily though I could only understand half of what she said .
29 The first paragraph that effectively has been drafted for her give it to B T is likely to be a repeat of what she said about T G I and I think that will be it then so I do n't think that there is any large amount of work other than her work with T G I itself .
30 I think my one of my favourite passages in Adam Bede might be the description near the beginning of the novel of the methodist preacher , Diner , addressing a meeting of villagers and instead of giving you the entire speech , word for word , George Eliot gives you a little bit of what she said and then describes the manner in which she said it , and the manner in which it was actually received .
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