Example sentences of "of [pos pn] business [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Expanding Emporio is the most important aspect of my business plan for the next five years , ’ says the maestro , confidently plotting his way to a bright future as less resilient designers wring their hands or close shop .
2 So I feel a terrific relief and release that in the latter part of my business life I 've been really able to make things happen at a considerable speed .
3 And talking of cards , ’ she went on quickly as it registered with Fabia that if adding Cara 's name to hers on any card she sent home was n't lying , then she did n't know what was , ‘ you 'd better take a couple of my business cards . ’
4 Even then , Jobs predicts , illegal copies will circulate , but computer companies will be able to cost piracy in much the same way as shops cost shoplifting — as part of their business plans .
5 A great deal of hotel business comes from people travelling not just for holidays or sightseeing but by people travelling by virtue of their business activities .
6 Yet the Government 's own figures show that in most cases what has occurred is the creation of single-person businesses , that is self-employment by individual workers who do not employ any assistants as part of their business activities .
7 Much of his decision was based on his assessment of Walsh and Hayling , who was also present , and of their business plan .
8 They alleged that the product marketed by his company could only have been made by his wrongful use of their business secrets .
9 Useful reference section helps students to appreciate the cultural context of their business contacts .
10 A REPORT in Money-Go-Round on March 14 suggested incorrectly that company car users may include travel to and from work as part of their business mileage when calculating tax liabilities .
11 The project will examine the obstacles and opportunities facing the new entrepreneurs in the development of their business activity , and will provide information on the economic performance , innovatory potential , and employment impact of the small sector .
12 The aim of the directive on " civil liability for damage caused by waste " , which is still at an early stage of discussion , is to force banks to take greater interest in the environmentally damaging activities of their business customers .
13 First , while 64% of all such organisations said that information technology planning was an integral part of their business strategy , the remaining 36% planned their business policy first and implemented their computing systems later .
14 It was daft of their business partner to say every Kray fan will want the game and even more incredible for him to add : ‘ Neither Reg or Ron would ever condone crime . ’
15 On both the personal and commercial side of their business finance houses experience intense competition , both from within the industry and from without in the form of building societies and banks .
16 Here we print the top of one of their business cards .
17 ‘ We need proper compensation for those who have lost sheep and beloved dogs and face financial difficulties because of their business losses .
18 His former business associate Lars Skarke has filed a suit against Borg claiming £50 million damages arising out of the collapse of their business group .
19 The holiday of a lifetime for a group of deprived schoolchildren may have to be cancelled because more than half of their business sponsors have gone bust in the recession .
20 The report concluded that the Fayed brothers , Mohamed and Ali , had ( i ) dishonestly misrepresented their background and wealth to the DTI for the purpose of persuading the Department in 1985 not to refer the acquisition to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ( MMC ) ; ( ii ) used their connection with the Sultan of Brunei to enable them to acquire the funds used in the acquisition ; ( iii ) repeated their lies to their advisers , who had accepted at face value what they were told and failed to check its accuracy ; and ( iv ) misrepresented the extent of their business assets to both the DTI and to the Office of Fair Trading .
21 There is evidence to suggest that many corporations do not have an organizational structure and process that allow the lateral integration of marketing , research , design engineering , financing and manufacturing for the successful conclusion of their business enterprises ; in these organizations , ideas get thrown over the wall rather than worked on collaboratively .
22 The unit in question , for what Telekom calls Systems Customers , is part of its Business Customers division , and was established as part of the thorough restructuring Telekom has set in train ; it serves 500 major companies and organisations , and its business is growing at 13% to 14% a year , against less than 5% overall growth from private customers in 1992 .
23 Not only may local employment and production be beneficial for the reasons mentioned , but the parent company can offer the subsidiary the wealth of its business experience and resources .
24 Faced with such a quick and potentially damaging erosion of its business base , BR tackled the situation on two fronts — reduction of costs and a headon response to the coach operators with bargain fare offers .
25 Of the 1,000 subscribers , around 60% were customers of the original Cognito service , but the company says that the 40% of new business it has attracted puts it ahead of its business plan schedule .
26 CCG SCOTTISH DIVISION recently signed the Investors in People statement of intent , committing the company to developing its employees as part of its business plan .
27 Unless steps are taken to develop the financial structure of the practice ahead of its business expansion , there will be a risk of over-trading , under-capitalisation and the payment of high interest rates .
28 But an even greater advantage of being private is , according to Davidson , the ability to take a longer-term view of its business performance .
29 Uniplex has come up with a standalone electronic mail system called sensibly enough Uniplex Mail , based on the widely used e-mail component of its Business Software and supporting anywhere from four users to hundreds of servers , it says .
30 One can hardly say the same about the Post Office which busts a gut licking the boots of its business users at the same time as it cuts the quality of service to residential customers .
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