Example sentences of "of [v-ing] [Wh det] be " in BNC.

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1 When Raymond of Toulouse , Robert II of Flanders , Robert Curthose , Stephen of Blois , and Hugh of Vermandois responded to the call , past and present members of their military households fell almost automatically into rank behind them , to test themselves against terrible dangers , but also to enjoy the companionship in arms , the adventure , the deeds of daring which were the stuff of the chansons de geste .
2 The requirement of reasonableness is determined at the time of contracting which is an important difference from the 1973 Act .
3 It 's all part of the shallow commercialisation of surfing which is what we are really against , ’ explains the group , unloading in St Agnes [ ‘ Aggie ’ ] and preparing for the afternoon 's surf .
4 While most eighteenth-century beaux were obviously not disposed to live within their income and affected a bland indifference to the need to manage their personal finances , the tradesmen , the creditors on whose forbearance their insouciance depended , were campaigning against any legislation which seemed to reduce any further the chances of recovering what was owed them .
5 It 's just a question of realising what is in your head , because I find I can usually hear roughly what I 'm trying to get to .
6 considers ways of using what is known to achieve the objective .
7 But as the priest stood at his study window , fingers joined in thanksgiving to the night sky for his release from the bitter-sweet torture of reliving what was dead and gone , his mind quailed before his new dilemma .
8 Undoubtedly one of the best ways the overseas student has of seeing what is required in British theatre training is to apply for one of the summer schools offered by the drama schools , and find out what it 's all about before committing him- or herself to a long and expensive stay .
9 That things remain unconscious , not because you never knew about them , but because they 're never brought into the relevant connections with other things that make you conscious of the thing in the sense of seeing what 's in it for Mrs you know , reports .
10 To the extent that he went further so as to suggest that in no circumstances could the speeches be looked at other than for the purposes of seeing what was said on a particular date , his remarks have to be understood in the context of the issues which arose in that case .
11 In either case it is only a way of ascertaining what is the scope of the representation .
12 In fact the elementary theory is simple enough , it is the practice of gluing which is difficult .
13 There are times when the word unbelief is used to describe the doubts of those who are definitely believers but only when they are at a stage of doubting which is rationally inexcusable and well on the way to becoming fullgrown unbelief .
14 Christian thinking has been affected not so much by specific doubts as by the general concept of doubting which is entertained today .
15 When it gets too dangerous it will be a matter of simulating what 's supposed to happen so that it looks real to the TV audience , but not to those involved .
16 In parts of England people still worship Pomona , the Roman goddess of fruit trees , through the custom of wassailing which is intended to encourage a good crop of apples .
17 Output could be as high as Y 1 if firms adopt the rule of producing whatever is demanded , or as low as Y n if firms decide to produce only what they planned initially .
18 Firstly , my thanks go to David Bowley for without him I would never have learnt the art of letching which is essential for the editorial role .
19 That a subject is capable of noticing whatever is to be perceived can be broken down into two individually necessary and jointly sufficiently conditions :
20 Realism offers a way of explaining what is observed , which , for example , allows us to account for observed socio-spatial polarization in residence in terms of the generative mechanisms of the capitalist mode of production .
21 The group might knock heads together but it does n't seem designed to do the equally important job of explaining what is happening to staff and patients .
22 And I have a passion for acting and the truth of acting which is like life to me .
23 DRAINED by the exercise of inferring what was holding together two pieces of stick inside a cardboard box , a first-year science pupil at Gillingham comprehensive school in north Dorset advanced the opinion that the national curriculum was ‘ just another posh name for different subjects ’ .
24 These are two ways of expressing what is now a widely accepted notion .
25 As she paused momentarily , pillaging her brain for a discreet way of expressing what was essentially indiscreet , he cut in again .
26 He chose a way of loving which was so outrageous and costly that only a few friends could follow him into his dark night of the soul .
27 In terms of establishing what 's right for you , you 'll need to start by finding out about yourself .
28 The system involved a cyclical process of establishing what is done , how many people do it , what is achieved , linked to a number of performance indicators .
29 By laying down such standards the law is capable of defining what is expected of managers , of giving normative guidance on how they should fulfil their role .
30 Although there are aspects of mugging which are continuous , permanent , old-fashioned , the new word is describing a typically new thing .
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