Example sentences of "of [det] at the " in BNC.

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31 For example , Mrs Moreen 's remark " And all overclouded by this , you know- all at the mercy of a weakness " ( 9 ) has the anaphoric repetition of all at the beginning of successive clauses , and has two banal colloquial metaphors in the expressions " overclouded " and " at the mercy of " .
32 We looked first of all at the relationship of grammar to discourse and the extent to which formal cohesive ties operate across sentence boundaries .
33 He said : ‘ It 's probably the most worrying threat of all at the minute and we have to find it .
34 A particular research project that I and two colleagues , Keith Baker and Erin Sloman , have a grant from the Science Research Council for is to look first of all at the problems of getting such as system with , well at the moment three but possibly up to twelve computers , working on a given existing artificial intelligence problem to see how to take this big program — it 's called Popeye — it 's a research project to study various areas of visual perception , as you say — to see how to break this down and have it running simultaneously on a number of much smaller computers , rather than on the single big computer that it 's running on at the moment .
35 Mr Coates appears to have carried the can for a strategy that had the enthusiasm of some of those at the top of Barclays Bank , as well as of David Band , BZW 's chief executive , and of Sir Martin , who is also a deputy chairman of the parent bank .
36 In the main , most hotels seem happy to let their concierges work the system to their advantage , providing their more entrepreneurial traits do not get the better of them , as they did in the case of those at the Heathrow Penta .
37 Isolation of those at the foot of the pyramid of authority , the Panopticon principle , was central to maintaining the image of the force on the street .
38 This encompasses government imperatives as well as the management systems of the LEA and the school — it ensures that any clear sense of accountability , on the part of those at the ‘ production base ’ is improbable .
39 There might be short-term problems within the EC but , frankly , one more of those at the moment would hardly be noticed .
40 Over the eight years of the project the reduction in inequality between different socio.economic groups was consequent upon an improvement in scores attained at the bottom end of the distribution and not the levelling down of those at the top .
41 If professorial patronage was , in general , a perquisite of those at the centre of political power in Scotland , there was another , though much less valuable , form of academic patronage available to some of the politicians .
42 Many of those at the foot of the scale , whose substance was equalled by that of superior labourers , must have occupied very small holdings , and had to eke out a livelihood with occasional labouring or working at some by-employment ; they have aptly been termed ‘ cottage farmers ’ .
43 Their major occupation consisted of watching the antics of those at the back in the Rowdies group .
44 Only 27 per cent ( 153 ) of the Drugs Council users and 31 per cent ( 61 ) of those at the Detoxification Unit lived in their own accommodation , and all but a few of the remaining majority lived with parents or relatives ( 70 per cent at the Drugs Council , and 66 per cent at the Detoxification Unit ) .
45 How many of those at the lower end of this scale could be described as ‘ poor ’ ?
46 Over the post decade , tax welfare has played an increasingly important part in boosting the living standards of the rich , while welfare cuts have reduced the income of those at the bottom of the pile .
47 The qualities looked for in a higher civil servant are : intelligence ; fluency of mouth and pen , particularly in producing a persuasive argument and in composing a good ministerial speech ; the capacity to induce other people to carry out a policy that perhaps they do not much wish to carry out ; a political ‘ nose ’ ; the ability ( in a Department or a local or regional office ) to organise those beneath him or her ; and capacity for hard work ( many of those at the top work extremely hard ) .
48 Such visions can be utilised at all levels within an organisation and are not the sole prerogative of those at the top .
49 People in the top band in Wales will pay only three times the council tax of those at the bottom , although the value of their property is more than eight times greater .
50 Anyone who heard some of the more extravagant pictures of apprenticeship painted by some of those at the original Edinburgh meeting , must feel slightly uneasy that the Association could turn into a Don Quixote tilting lances at imaginary windmills , pursuing ‘ causes ’ that are not a reality , and being antagonistic for the sake of it .
51 But this is a result of those at the top of the hierarchy maintaining their status amongst their subordinates .
52 The social origin of those at the ‘ summit ’ of the state apparatus is that of the ruling class .
53 They were gathered in the High Street and around the market place , but could not compete with the standard of living of those at the upper end of the social scale in the county towns and old corporate boroughs .
54 But growing American unease over Britain 's plight was still neutralized by the determination of most of those at the top to try to prevent devaluation or the end of the role East of Suez .
55 The processes at each boundary now occur independently of those at the other .
56 Experts point out that the largest vessels are now 15-20 times the size of those at the time the Montreux Convention was signed .
57 because of those at the beginning .
58 Over the years I and my colleagues have tried to point the finger at some of those at the centre of terrorist activity on both sides of the politico-religious divide .
59 The identity of those at the centre of the row remains a closely guarded secret , but council officers are known to have spoken with management from Wiltshier Northern , the company that built the complex .
60 And the most productive had fewer managers and six times the training component of those at the bottom of the league .
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