Example sentences of "of [det] [noun pl] take " in BNC.

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1 A further problem was the tendency of some parents to take their children on holiday during term time .
2 Overstocking took place on the Somerset Levels in the Middle Ages , aggravated by the rights of some commoners to take in cattle from outside the Levels for a fee .
3 They may well have been in the right : the tendency of some Merovingians to take and discard wives at will , that is to practise serial monogamy , meant that there was no clearly defined family tree .
4 In reality , of course , purchases of some items take up a relatively large proportion of household spending while purchases of other items take up only a very small proportion .
5 tell me about taking bearings , what do you do , let's give you an example , of some bearings to take , erm , and then you can tell me what you 're doing , so there 's a point there , and we 'll call that erm , P , just to be awkward , now let's say what we 'll do , this is what we 'll d , this is a typical problem in fact , erm , I 'll even draw that line on for you to start with , yeah , here 's the problem , a ship is sailing due North , okay , and when it 's at the point of A it takes a bearing on the lighthouse , so the lighthouse is somewhere , do n't know where it is , but bearing of L from A is forty five degrees , and the bearing of L from B , which is when the ship has sailed on a lot further
6 The gruesome ability of some individuals to take up a cannibalistic diet is , in evolutionary terms , a sensible solution to the problem of food shortage in a rapidly disappearing pond .
7 Therefore the more subjects that can benefit , the greater the chance there is of such visits taking place .
8 What now follows is an example of one such analysis in the area of English ; the use of the ‘ class reader ’ which attempts to answer the question : ‘ Does the selection of such texts take into account the above criteria ? ’
9 I have heard stories of such men taking days to die .
10 It would be absurd to approve of such events taking place on grey , sunless days in dark , depressing places .
11 The earliest and most disastrous of these emulations took place in the isolated village of Bognor .
12 Note however Bourner and Hamed 's ( 1987 ) evidence of the strong performance of students with part-time BTEC and City and Guilds types of qualifications , and it would appear that most of these students took degrees in engineering and technology .
13 Yet , because of a prevailing conservatism among the sport 's administrators , most of these changes took at least twenty years to come about .
14 ‘ Most of these players took part last year and were delighted with the facilities and hospitality ’ says Sean Curtis : ‘ We aim to make this year 's tournament even better and , believe me , the phones have already been buzzing in relation to tickets even though they will not available until the end of this month . ’
15 None of these figures takes account of the women and children who worked at the craft , but the broad trends are clear .
16 Of course , none of these developments took place overnight , but their growth to some maturity had much to do with the promise variable analysis held out that this was the route toward the scientific respectability of social research methods .
17 Many of these diseases take the form of persistent or chronic infections .
18 Some of these diseases take 20 years to appear .
19 All of these factors taken together helped to bring about a national sense of economic and political malaise .
20 The calculation of these heights takes into account , amongst other things , the limitations and accuracy of the total VOR system .
21 ‘ I 'm always expecting to be sucked under one of these juggernauts taking a cross-country short cut . ’
22 I do not wish in a paranoid fashion to make too much of any one of these facts taken in isolation .
23 For example , they have reanalysed studies of mother-child bonding and maternal deprivation ; have criticized conclusions drawn from them about good mother-child relations ; and have extended investigations of these relations to take into account , not just maternal exclusivity and sensitivity , but children 's relationships with other adults and children , and the physical , psychological and social quality of care .
24 Anyway , if I am to maintain my hectic schedule of conquests , I can do without the interference of these guys taking up the time and energy of foxy babes with mere talk .
25 Some of these locomotives took part in the railway ‘ race ’ from London to Aberdeen in 1895 , when there was keen competition between the west and east coast routes for Anglo-Scottish passenger traffic , and averaged well over 60 m.p.h. from Carlisle to Aberdeen on severe gradients .
26 According to officials of the Department of Antiquities , the theft and destruction of these items took place during the upheavals of last March caused by the Gulf War .
27 ‘ Suppose , ’ said 1 , ‘ you represent him as having killed one of these birds on entering the South Sea , and that the tutelary spirits of these regions take upon them to avenge the crime . ’
28 The talks produced agreement in principle on Feb. 3 to work for a ceasefire by Feb. 15 and for the release by March 1 of all hostages taken by rival Azerbaijani and Armenian militias , and to establish permanent relations between the two organizations .
29 of all matters taken to solicitors .
30 The language and communication of all creatures takes place at both these levels , too — the subtle and the gross .
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