Example sentences of "of [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Yellow-like in colour it sort of floated in the air .
2 I stop in front of the shop and look inside with my forehead sort of pressed against the glass .
3 The defeat of Flown in the Smurfit Champion Hurdle proved costly for many punters .
4 Have you ever of heard of the Stamp Bug Club ?
5 to other things , we 've kind of veered of the , one of the subjects that we were er , we did get onto which was how the police and the courts er handle er well victims and indeed criminals , I wonder if I might conflate erm both those groups into one question , its a very broad question , but I wonder if you think by and large the police do a good job , erm button one for yes and button two for no , erm and the majority here say yes , seventy seventy people say yes the , the police do a good job and since we 've talked about the courts do you think the courts do a good job by and large ? , we 've been talking specifically about erm some of the more bizarre erm statements that have come from the bench , particularly in with reference to crimes erm , that have treated against women , well now , seventy nine say no , so the police comes thumbs up , but the courts are way down , now not surprisingly there are n't many representatives from the courts er amongst this hundred
6 And we described what we were going to do on this walk and where we were going to go and both sort of referred to the same composition and there was a prize for the for the one that was judged the best .
7 She misjudged it , she should of rung on the Friday .
8 Yes , so what er that council on study and television er could n't of come at a better time Don
9 that need n't of come to a head like that really .
10 Now you 've just been describing to us Mr about er your leisure activities etcetera and it was sort of confined to the etcetera .
11 erm , said that it 'd started already , erm whoever was doing the erm , whoever was doing the sport and that with the bob , he had said he could of dropped in a note to say that erm started already and at that stage , erm
12 of owned by the Swiss , , owned by the Germans , , owned by German , a large number of companies under foreign ownership .
13 This man with long greasy hair and a sleeping bag sort of rolled into a ball comes over and starts looking in the bins .
14 But it it 's sort of built into the ground apparently so that it 'd be pretty low down .
15 An inglenook , Oh I think it had been a place a sort of built off the fireplace .
16 he kept going on and on and on and he said do you think it was an error of judgment and he was trying to get Kinnock to say yes and he said yes it was an error of judgment the way he , he 'd sort of said I think he must of said in the mid seventies , that if he got in power he 'd get rid of all nuclear weapons
17 Because the oil would attract dust and the d oil dries up and the leaves the dust deposits sort of caked inside the lock , and it will clog it up .
18 now my Lord , your Lordship would of seen from the case and now from the continental television case , both in the divisional court and in the court of appeal , that where a reference is to be made the court that is marking the reference , if , what is sort to be done is either to challenge a British statute or in the case of er , er the red hot Dutch case , of course with the statute , er something which er it involves a ministerial decision , but in either of those instances the court has got to decide in the interim whether or not the statute or measure should remain in force and there is the priority of public policy as indicated in er Lord er speech referred to both in the divisional court and in the court of appeal in continental television in er maintaining the law in force and a , a bonus has to be faced by the person seeking discipline from the law to show us a sufficiently strong case to justify the er , er , the suspension of the law in the interim .
19 Oh they , they say it 's all controllable so that I 've , I 've answered , I have n't just let the Environmental Health wash over me I 've actually written back to them again , er I 'll be interested to see whether I get a letter back from them , but I phoned up the Council this morning and they 're rejecting on two grounds , one is to do with the highway and the sort of the traffic situation coming in there , although the , the authority , the Highway Department are n't objecting to it and the other one is erm , on local environmental issues I think you know that is , is unsuitably , unsuitable environmentally to the area well I can only say that I 'm grateful to the planning , to the planning offices for they 're going out on a limb if you like because I think they 're on thin ice erm and so long as the committee will , will back them up I mean I do n't know of what else I could of done as a person
20 It was one year she could of done without the invitation though is n't it ? , if she , if she wanted her other friends and Neil .
21 Ooh , aye well oh what , that 's what Sam over road said I mean he had open heart surgery , said I do n't know what I 'd of done without the National Health
22 We could of done with a plastic bag under it
23 I think she would of done with the Que , er done away with the Queen to get
24 He might of done he said , he probably would of done in the la the unions would of put in a big one for Mr Major would n't give one , still would n't have affected
25 Harlow should of applied for a designation a long time ago if Harlow had been designated then surrounding councils would have had to live up their responsibilities to provide adequate sites for travellers which they have not done and successive governments have also failed to apply the caravan sites act nineteen sixty eight adequately .
26 I think that 's , I mean I think that 's why the , the two interesting ends of the U K press are the tabloid end , because it looks , it looks as if it 's sort of forged in the heat of hot metal and steaminess and erm the top end and things like the Express and The Mail seem to be entirely flabby in the middle .
27 I 've sort of forgot about the puddings there 's blackcurrant torte up there , can you see ?
28 Could of died in the van .
29 about , by the time you 've read this another twenty two children would of died in the third world , aargh
30 and just the , the part here , I mean this , this I do n't know if it 's right or if it 's wrong but when you said I wan na put twenty quid towards my children 's future perhaps the way I would see is I , I would think twenty quid 'll go nowhere for their future , it 's gon na be a lot more expensive so as you 're openly offering me to take the money off you for that I would have perhaps gone down to try and commit you towards that need there and then to see how important it is and then , because when I er eventually bring back erm the sort of agenda and say look it 's gon na cost you a hundred and twenty quid a month erm you 're sort of sold on the idea .
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