Example sentences of "of [noun prp] in the " in BNC.

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1 At Gloucester in July 1634 the judges ' proceedings were based partly upon the 800 presentments made at the swanimote held in the Forest of Dean in the previous month : 420 of these for unlawfully cutting and selling woods , 260 for illegal inclosures and other encroachments , 80 for taking the king 's game and 10 for unauthorized operation of ironworks .
2 Amber is said to have her eyes on the plum part of Beatrice in the screen version of Dante 's Divine Comedy– .
3 Robert Van Lierop of Vanuatu in the West Pacific and chairman of the group , told the delegates that nations like his ‘ do not have the luxury of waiting for conclusive proof ’ of global warming .
4 Allowable losses for CGT purposes from a previous year of tax assessment may be brought forward to diminish the value of gains for calculation of CGT in the current year of assessment .
5 At the beginning of March it was reported that seven FARC guerrillas and three Brazilian soldiers had been killed in border clashes near the Brazilian town of Tabatinga in the Amazon region .
6 The Eider and the Shell Tern and North Cormorant platforms also on alert are in the Shell Brent Field 100 miles north east of Lerwick in the Shetlands .
7 Between 1179 and 1184 William the Englishman completed the work begun by William of Sens in the choir , eastern transepts , and presbytery , and designed and built the Trinity chapel as a mausoleum for the relics of St Thomas Becket ( d .
8 Situated 300 yards across the road from the white sandy beach of Jandia in the south-west of Fuerteventura. 5 mins from Morro Jable .
9 The new Chancellor was Kurt Georg Kiesinger , a sensitive , able man , and a good orator , who had established a good reputation as Minister-President of Baden-Würtemberg in the early sixties .
10 It also includes the Brinefield and many of the Power Services assets of ICI in the UK .
11 In this chapter , I have tried to assess the provisions of WFP in the light of the financial management agenda that existed at the end of 1988. 1 have endeavoured to look at the principles behind its proposals , rather than the detailed systems requirements necessary to make them work .
12 The retention of Balcerowicz in the government was considered essential to reassure Western creditors .
13 Considerations such as these provided the rationale for the formal creation of IIAs in the 1978 Act ( DoE , 1978 ) .
14 It is said that the original Shorthorn ( as a British type rather than as a general term for short horned cattle ) was being bred by the Dukes of Northumberland in the sixteenth century and was probably descended from a mixture of red Anglo-Saxon cattle with red and white Dutch ‘ Hollanders ’ and ‘ Zeelands ’ that are typified in the Paul Potter painting , The Young Bull .
15 The most significant sites in North Shields are Chirton Industrial Estate , originally comprising 110 acres , which was acquired by the council and transferred to North East Trading Estates , and Tyne Tunnel Industrial Estate , comprising 132 acres bought from the Duke of Northumberland in the mid-1960s by Property Security Investment Trust Ltd .
16 Institutions participating with the Department of Town Planning , University of Wales College of Cardiff in the WSWRRL include the South West Universities Regional Computer Centre at the University of Bath , the University of Southampton and the Polytechnic of Wales .
17 I had heard stories about a failed invasion attempt in 1940 , but a Russian NCO insisted that the Germans had planned some sort of operation against Churchill in a remote part of Norfolk in the autumn of 1943 .
18 Eight miles away you can visit the magnificent Arundel Castle , which originated in Norman times and was rebuilt by the Duke of Norfolk in the 1870s .
19 The prominence of the duke of Norfolk in the Paston Letters reflects his local power , but the Oxfordshire of the Stonors seems to have been markedly less subject to the pre-eminence of a great man .
20 Not long afterwards the Liberal Party invited this undergraduate in his second year to be the party 's candidate for the county of Cambridgeshire in the next election .
21 The great age of Antwerp in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries is inevitably the theme of the main exhibitions the year .
22 The Turkish radio station Anatolia announced on April 11 that 95 people had been reported killed since the beginning of March in the south-east of Turkey , compared with only 16 in the whole first quarter of 1989 .
23 ( For those interested in the whole question , I consider John Grigg 's account of the Duke of Windsor in the DNB to be the fairest assessment I know . )
24 The role of Churchill in the development of full employment policy is greater than has generally been supposed .
25 It stretches from the borders of Bretonnia in the west to the sweeping plains of Kislev in the east .
26 It stretches from the Middle Mountains in the north to Nuln in the south , and from Altdorf in the west to the borders of Kislev in the east .
27 Bob Dickinson draws our attention to the sensitive placing of such paintings in relation to points of resonance in the caves of Ariège in the French Pyrenees .
28 Chance evidence from one chronicle records that he stayed at the Benedictine abbey of Andres in the Pas de Calais on his way before crossing the Channel .
29 It 's a powerful image of Swindon in the 50s seen through the eyes of a girl called Anne .
30 He has been on nearly two dozen foreign trips on behalf of LA in the past few years and some of his questionable financial dealings have been investigated .
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