Example sentences of "of [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The car would of slowly slowed down to be at the speed that the engine
2 BRITAIN 'S banks were accused yesterday of secretly plotting together to bring back charges for customers in credit .
3 Even so , he had taken the precaution beforehand of secretly informing both the United States and West Germany of his plans .
4 This technique develops a conceptual model of a process , subjects it to a number of experiments and studies the results with the aim of eventually predicting how the model will behave under certain conditions .
5 The only way of effectively cutting out the risks of HIV transmission is by having safer sex with all your partners .
6 Erm Nick has obviously talked about the er , the phasing of the estate erm , just to point out that the reason for it , perhaps seeming a bit of long drawn out er affair , it 's , it 's a , a minimum time as far as erm , all the people who have been negotiating feel it 's achievable in if we are to make sure that the estate does n't remain a building site as as a as a total entity fo , at any time , so this site here will not commence until this site is completed so that there will be some er , rest bite for the bungalow residents and of course , somewhere to park their cars in the in the interim .
7 I mean often actually producing pieces of writing is , is , is quite a , you know , sort of long drawn out sort of er iterative process I suppose in , in mathematical terms erm you know you kind of go through it again and again erm I mean that 's one thing you ca but obviously that 's quite time consuming er
8 Mr Lang was accused of merely carrying out a public relations exercise , however .
9 Instead of merely examining how the law enforcement process in its broadest sense constructs a false image of serious crime and its perpetrators , they suggest we should consider the social construction of criminal law categories .
10 ( iii ) Practitioners are reminded of the danger of inadvertently holding out persons as partners in a firm by inclusion of both partners ' and non-partners ' names in a list .
11 Competitors are rarely accused of deliberately killing a kinsman , though they might well be accused of inadvertently doing so .
12 They had had a farewell drink together , two women who had worked well together without ever abandoning their professional personae , Maria because she had been afraid of inadvertently giving away something that might alert Cavell 's suspicions where Luke was concerned .
13 Flying through the sea breeze front without realising it is a common cause of inadvertently landing downwind and ending up in a hedge .
14 But the most precious gem of all does not come cheap .
15 This is a matter of constantly exploring out a few yards on almost every circle to try to find the best possible area of lift .
16 Many pressure groups set themselves the task of sedulously winning over influential opinion to their view of the future .
17 People on Hull Road just standing waiting for the bus , sort of idly chattering away , Yes , aye you know chattering away and th
18 The mental effect of suddenly sitting up straight , squaring your shoulders , breathing deeply , can make you look and feel like a person who can change the world .
19 The perspectives , the horizon points , the viewing angles all had to be worked out beforehand so that camera shots would enable the backdrops to appear as natural continuations of the sets , instead of suddenly sloping up or downhill .
20 The idea of literally dropping in on the enemy and catching them unawares would have seemed attractive after several months ' idleness .
21 Bournemouth pest controllers have set themselves a target of only hiring out D6 EFK 's in groups of eight .
22 The headmaster himself had accused her of only joining up for the uniform .
23 In the hope of perhaps pushing up the timber and the fruit and veg .
24 On the other side of the coin you might find a child who is experiencing such difficulties in his learning that the first line of attack must be in , in terms of perhaps producing just an improvement of his base level of learning , so that the next step can be taken .
25 Her habit of jealously bursting in on Gustave when he was dining with friends was notorious .
26 This was important , for Bonar Law 's health was on the point of finally breaking up .
27 Even the pain of finally finding out that he and Harry Martin were painted with the same filthy brush did n't hurt as much as that careless indictment .
28 Now they hope they 're on the verge of finally finding out what happened to her .
29 Take , for example , the occurrences of open cited above ( 73a-d ) .
30 For while the health and safety , and the prospective redundancy of its members , are the union 's business as of generally recognised right it is by no means clear that an industrial strategy that was anything more than a slogan would be .
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