Example sentences of "of [pers pn] were [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some of them were gauche beyond belief .
2 They were dying to see something go wrong , you know , they were good old sorts , some of them were odd ones , but a good lot .
3 The loyalists now had the grounds they needed to be able to argue that the executive was undemocratic : the people of Ulster had finally been given a chance to vote on the issue and 50.8 per cent of them were opposed to power-sharing .
4 Still , enough of them were present to make sure the Virgin 's message would be spread all round the village by supper-time .
5 Strangely , never once did they mention the mysteries of Selkirk 's and Ruthven 's deaths ; I got the distinct impression that both of them were relieved by what they heard .
6 Most of them were used to paying regular visits to the friendly neighbourhood pawnbroker , but on the objects they brought to him they could not expect to raise any great sums .
7 Two-thirds of them were Roman Catholics .
8 Some of them were loyal and trusted men who had been with the Prince for years and , as well as relying heavily upon them , he liked them .
9 Many of them were involved in Object Group 's original Object Request Broker selection .
10 Many of them were involved in OMG 's original object request broker selection .
11 The three of them were involved in some game of the sexes in which she had no part .
12 Most of them were above Ace and Defries , fluttering round the diagonal girder along which Daak was trying to climb .
13 A third of the authors were women , while in terms of their childhood backgrounds , 25 of them were upper class , 21 upper-middle class , 15 lower-middle class , and 84 working class .
14 Yes , the reason why we picked a forty year lifespan of work or working life er with four tens was because Professor Good himself told us that er on their research the common employment pattern today is in fact four employers over the working life and of course that is very different from the experience of many pensioners who are drawing today from their pension funds , because many of them were long-term , long-service employees throughout their lives with one employer .
15 Most of them were darkish-brown with fine features under mops of hair in which several had stuck an ostrich feather or a wooden comb .
16 Some of them were strategic harbours , coaling stations or communications centres , like Gibraltar , Malta and Aden .
17 There was also concern about the UK government 's alleged hostility to company takeovers by state-owned concerns — a policy which the Commission said discriminated against foreign companies , because more of them were state-owned than would be the case in the UK .
18 Many of them were sweat-shop workers , for example , while the men in their families might have white collar jobs or be shopkeepers .
19 Most of them were dark .
20 Most of them were dark .
21 But most of them were curved , or meandering .
22 The girl 's father could make no further objection , so the two of them were married directly , and went to live in the forest .
23 Most of them were married , with children : they seemed to be set fair on the roads they would be travelling now for the rest of their lives .
24 Two of them were real stunners John Davies rocketing out of a rolling maul 20 metres from the line to score , and then Stuart Davies crossing a Llewellyn line-out take 15 metres out after it had been worked to the line .
25 Each one of them knew what he or she meant by true religion , and all of them were sure that the church and the government in England were wrong .
26 Four of them were female , two male : all were varying shades of russet or tawny , but only one was the deep red that he liked .
27 Non-smokers and non-drinkers presented much later ; 39 ( 78% ) of them were female .
28 Most of them were female and now in their late teens .
29 Everywhere there were tiles , and all of them were blue .
30 Most of them were light-skinned and many were beautiful .
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