Example sentences of "of [pers pn] was [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I am not saying that my trusting God was ‘ all up to me ’ , but that I had to see that all of me was involved in trusting God .
2 Part of me was anxious for Jean-Claude .
3 Everything went on as normal and I tried to be as pleasant as I could and as loving towards Anne as I had always been , but she must have noticed that a part of me was absent : simply somewhere else .
4 Her mouth was everywhere , biting me and sucking my mouth and kissing me , and her fingers pinched and stroked her legs coiled round my legs until every bit of me was throbbing and burning and twitching and I was only conscious of never wanting it to stop .
5 ( c ) which of them was successful .
6 Some of them would be outraged We certainly know that one of them was convinced by Jesus , Joseph of Arimathea was a member of the Sanhedrin and you know that , that later on we 're told of Joseph of Arimathea , but what did he do Michael do you know , does anybody know what Joseph of Arimathea did ?
7 The truth was that every one of them was tired .
8 By the spring of the following year only two major strongholds remained in English hands , but one of them was crucial : Stirling .
9 She 'd work from the photographs later : one of them was chunky , the full lines of his mouth emphasised by the trim of his moustache and beard .
10 None of them was new .
11 Peons made sacrificial meat and the men smelt this on Gomez so that his command of them was tentative .
12 One of them was stillborn — a boy .
13 We see that Cordelia 's judgement of them was correct : As they taunt her for her disobedience she replies , ‘ Time shall unfold what plighted cunning hides ; /Who covers faults , at last with shame derides ’ ( 280f . ) .
14 Going then to the Uc Serefeli mosque , Fahreddin Acemi had the people summoned , ascended the and " exposed [ the Hurufis ' ] vain beliefs , adjudged them guilty of unbelief and heresy , and gave judgment that the killing of them was incumbent and that such as aided in the slaying of them would be greatly rewarded " .
15 ‘ Both Julie and Lizzie were experienced travellers and neither of them was foolhardy .
16 The excitement in all of them was close to unbearable .
17 The road ahead of them was narrow and winding , silvery and black in the moonlight .
18 Neither of them was capable of searching out any fairy-tale kink in the more drab theories of evolution which might explain how it is that a frog taken ( however reluctantly ) into the soft bed of a princess can be changed overnight back into a prince .
19 The question for an Industrial Tribunal is not whether one of them was innocent but whether you carried out such reasonable investigation as you could and you reasonably believed it was either or both and dismissed them both because of that belief .
20 Theirs had been an ardour so fierce , so spontaneous and reckless that their respective backgrounds , the possibility of pregnancy , the fact that one of them was married , were of no account .
21 But unless Stevie and Buck blew it , one of them was sure to win .
22 I am told by a friend who was a delegate to the Delhi conference that the concern over Britain 's importing nuclear weapons into an area hitherto free of them was real and not fictitious .
23 He insisted that he did not believe that any of them was right for him , in spite of the huge money that would be on offer .
24 Hoarse breaths rasped in and out of her throat but none of them was satisfying .
25 Neither of them was young , and the thought of going to a place where everything including the language was different — apart from Slovene and German they spoke only Triestino — cast a deep gloom over them ; but they had no choice .
26 There 's some of them was Irish .
27 I had picked my pall-bearers carefully , so that , for obvious reasons , they would be of more or less uniform height , but one of them was late , and the fourth corner had to be hoisted onto the shoulder of Nigel 's nephew , who was six-foot-four-plus-a-bit .
28 Neither of them was present before the judge , nor was any affidavit evidence to a contrary effect presented on their behalf .
29 ‘ Not one of them was involved in anything . ’
30 Small ( 5 ft. 2 in. ) , composed and neat beside her fellahin workers — girls in brightly ballooning skirts and a few lusty pick-men — her command of them was absolute .
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