Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Pied flycatchers have been the subject of study in the Forest of Dean ever since 1942 when the first eighty boxes were nailed into place .
2 Other districts were illegally withdrawn from the Forest jurisdiction by magnates to make their private chases — such as the Earl Marshal 's chase near Chepstow , carved out of the Forest of Dean early in Henry III 's reign ; the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield 's chase of Cannock ; and the Bishop of Ely 's chase of Somersham .
3 He spoke slowly , deliberately , first in the music of Quechua then in Spanish , or Castellano as he called it , stopping to emphasise his points with a jabbing , rhetorical ‘ eh-eh ? ’
4 I was in the hills north of Achnashellach recently on a day of low cloud and smirry rain .
5 The setting was so romantically idyllic , with the distant jangle of yacht masts , soft calypso music , the rustle of breeze in the palms , that she thought of Mortimer again with a sick wave of anger .
6 THE launch of Middlesbrough yesterday as the country 's second environment city did n't exactly get off to a flying start .
7 In a famous book ( The King 's Two Bodies ) , E. H. Kantorowicz illustrated his theme of the development of Christ-centred kingship with the depiction of the Emperor Otto III on a page of a gospel book made for the imperial church of Aachen probably in the 990s .
8 Nor was the successful Counter-Reformation beyond the Alps much affected by the spirit of Trent even in non-musical matters ; the most firmly Catholic of rulers , the King of Spain and the prince-bishops of the Empire , were very jealous of Papal interference in their domains .
9 The warning came after thieves took the bag from the medic 's car while it was parked in the Moulsham Street area of Chelmsford late on Monday night .
10 Now , with the division of Germany almost at an end , there are uncomfortable questions about the future of the two alliances , and how , if at all , they can be fitted into a Europe that includes a re-unified Germany .
11 Walker 's worry is that neo-Nazis will travel from all parts of Germany and treat the clash between the champions of England and of Germany almost like a mini international He is confident that Leeds have taken all reasonable precautions but added : ‘ The great bulk of Leeds supporters are well behaved and will subject themselves to checks .
12 ‘ The fact that the regime has so quickly and so completely imploded in East Germany could risk a reunification of Germany almost by default before long , ’ one diplomat said .
13 New Zealand seemed to weather the loss of Hartland straight after lunch to one which bit back and had him lbw .
14 Most people were in their beds when the bomb exploded in the middle-class district of Bowbazaar soon after midnight , police said .
15 Part of the problem , certainly , was the slow and inadequate response of the central authorities and of Gorbachev personally to a deepening crisis .
16 Of the 29 rifts identified in Africa , five have led to continental separation and a further three have been associated with the movement of Madagascar away from the African mainland .
17 Yet the Defence Force offered a chance admittedly small — of subsequently entering the Imperial Guard and leaving the claustrophobic hives of Necromunda entirely for other worlds .
18 A BELGRADE-BASED guerrilla group captured a strategic town in the breakaway Yugoslavian republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina yesterday in another victory for Serbs seeking to partition the newly independent state .
19 This proposes , in essence , that Iraq should get out of Kuwait straightaway in return for being left alone afterwards .
20 So far Soviet officials have failed to link the notion of some form of neutralisation of Afghanistan specifically with understandings on the neutrality of the states around it .
21 Because of the recession , there is a prospect that more of that money will flow back out of Washington afterwards in refunds to taxpayers who did not do as well as in the past .
22 In one of yesterday 's attack on blacks , a member of the white ultra-rightwing Wit Wolwe ( White Wolves ) shot a five-year-old black girl in the mining town of Nigel yesterday in what a Wit Wolwe spokesman said was a revenge attack for APLA 's killings of whites .
23 Now the Monday the twenty eighth of February now on Friday Friday the twenty fifth you will need to phone in okay .
24 PENSIONER Sophia Hymes will be given the freedom of Chester today at the age of 91 .
25 It is found in a manuscript in the Bodleian Library , Oxford ( MS Digby 86 ) , that appears to have been written within the diocese of Worcester both for , and , arguably , by , a layman and is datable between the accession of Edward I in 1272 and the end of the eleventh year of his reign in November 1283 .
26 Again it is between Roger Fleming , John Blackwall , Anthony Blackwall ( now described as a stocking weaver ) from Litton in Derby , Penelope Wright and Roberta Maria Anna Wright both of Longston in Derby , and Daniel Morley ( now seen as an Iron Master ) of Ashbourne also in Derbyshire .
27 Almost 3 centuries ago all this was forest , part of the Royal Forest of Shotover just outside Oxford .
28 Still , it 's easy , almost a reflex , to think of Florida only in terms of its star attractions , the DisneyWorlds and Cape Canaverals and Busch Gardens .
29 The white marble figure of Bacchus now in the ilex walk at Ham House in Richmond , for example , is almost certainly that mentioned in a 1672 inventory — ‘ For 1 Pedastall for ye figure Bacchus ’ .
30 This covers most of Scotland apart from the Midland Valley and identifies estates by name , with a map showing their boundaries .
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