Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [conj] even " in BNC.

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1 It was in part because of this love of the specially religious life , and in part because of the affection for the long history of the Church , that he led another pilgrimage ( 1959 ) of several thousand people to Holy Island on the coast of Northumberland and even The Times had a piece about the archbishop walking barefoot .
2 A Hamitic people , they established themselves over a great part of Shoa and even pushed northwards along the escarpment for some hundred and fifty miles beyond Dessie .
3 The language used was simpler and chattier than that of Pravda or even of Trud , the main labour organ .
4 However he must understand the indignity Leeds fans suffered during eight seasons being beaten by the likes of Shrewsbury and even ( gulp ) Bradford City .
5 If individual rights in property are an absolute impediment to the institution of Utopia or even , less pretentiously , to the promotion of the good life , then at New Harmony there was no such impediment .
6 Fast motion can be used to express erotic tension and desire , if the purpose is comic rather than romantic — if we had laughed at the romantic yearnings of Cecile or even Frankie , the film would be failing , even though the treatment of these themes is throughout as much comic as tragic — ‘ bitter-sweet ’ seems to be the compound word , or better still the mot juste is ‘ douce-amère ’ .
7 Fewer people desire to live in the north of England and even fewer in northern Scotland .
8 Hawkshead Grammar School was at the highest point of its reputation when Wordsworth arrived ; boys were sent to it from all over the north-west of England and even from Scotland .
9 He seems to have enjoyed friendly relations with successive kings and queens of England and even with the papal legate Ottobuono .
10 In the higher dales haymaking was sometimes delayed , for weather and other reasons , until the middle of July or even towards the end of August .
11 She toyed with the idea of Yorkshire or even further south but was persuaded by Louise that it would be a mistake to make Constance change schools at that point , just before her School Certificate examination .
12 Indeed , in the House of Commons and even in his highly expert use of the new medium of broadcasting , he often eschewed a manuscript and spoke from relatively sketchy notes .
13 But despite all efforts , worship of the old gods and goddesses continued throughout the land of Israel and even on occasion at the Temple of Jerusalem itself — as evidenced by the books of Kings and Chronicles , which refer to events of the seventh and sixth centuries .
14 For years I found it very odd that the disciples spent very little time talking about the significance of the death of Jesus or even the person of Jesus .
15 It is not uncommon to hear about the assassination of public figures in the streets of Bogota and even running in local elections can ensure a place on some death list .
16 Some of the last-gasp attempts to save the Nationalist governments that were considered in Washington — with the wilder arpeggios such as encouraging the fragmentation of China or even , apparently , a series of punitive air strikes against the Chinese communists ( not to mention the sheer fantasy of creating ten new Chinese armies in six months ) — originated in the Far Eastern division of the State Department , and in fact the Administration , says Blum , had come close to re-intervention in the Chinese civil war on the mainland , but backed away at the last minute when it discovered that there was no viable force left to support .
17 ‘ My Lord of Gaunt or even Chief Justice Fortescue .
18 More and more the assertion could be heard , long before the guns began to fire , that the " cabinet diplomacy " of the eighteenth century , of Metternich or even of Bismarck , no longer met the needs of a changing world .
19 The diplomats of 1919 , many of the methods they used and the ways in which they were instructed and controlled , even many of the policies they attempted to carry out , would have been clearly recognisable to their predecessors in the age of Metternich or even of Louis XIV .
20 Undoubtedly the river was navigable ; the separation of Sussex from much else of mainstream English experience should not hide the richness of Saxon trade with other parts of Europe and even further afield .
21 ‘ And send us violent political messages about freeing Sardinia from Italian rule , while investing their ransom money in land and building speculation in the south of France and even South America . ’
22 Its growth rate has been outstripped for much of the time by that of France and even , in some recent years , by that of the United Kingdom .
23 More importantly , mounted hunters followed the Lolo and Old Nez Perce trails east over the Bitterroots , and joined bands of Flathead and even Crow in hunting buffalo on the Plains .
24 Modernization conceived as differentiation is of course the linchpin of Parsonian sociology , but can be traced back through the work of Weber and even of Lukács to the aesthetic writings of the mature Hegel ( Ká0tz 1982 ) .
25 The effects of the present structure of Heathrow but even if you see er , if you travel into from Heathrow on the M four to West Central London
26 I was thinking about the relative merits of a bottle or two of Ruddles from the fridge or a glass or two of Sancerre or even , in the circumstances , something stronger , when there was a knock on my door .
27 In the first place , there is the time factor : her first biography was begun over twenty years after the publication of BT and even honest sisters ' memories would be fallible at such a distance .
28 Frederica 's recall of things seen was very much less lucid and automatic than those of Stephanie or even Marcus .
29 John Pilger may point us back to the lessons of Vietnam or even the Falklands , but we also live day-to-day with distorted coverage of Ireland and it does n't seem to bother us too much .
30 know where they 've planned owt to go , and er , so she said it 'll get end of June or even July
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