Example sentences of "of [pers pn] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Cotte ( pp. 71 – 2 ) distinguishes two main senses of let , the first of which is described as " the non-intervention of an agent in an action which has been initiated independently of him/her and has been going on already for a certain time " , and can be illustrated by : ( 214 ) He would n't even dance with her at Gavin 's party .
2 They were trying more to come one place ahead of me than to win a medal .
3 Surely he deserves better of me than to gaze at him with my policeman 's eyes .
4 By now G. is no longer suspicious of me but turns out to be a lively , talkative , and intelligent man .
5 They were expressing the part of me that saw metaphysics as some weird science-fiction fantasy !
6 There was just some little part of me that carried me wide of him .
7 There 's a part of me that says ‘ Its OK to eat ’ , but another part tugs me back and stops me eating .
8 But so is that part of me that feels alien in this country , lonely behind my wall of defences , inarticulate in my deepest pain .
9 There is a small part of me that feels that , on behalf of my right hon. and hon. Friends , I should welcome what the Leader of the House has said .
10 I 've always been a worker yet there is a part of me that feels I could end up like that , too .
11 Well , I must admit there 's a bit of me that thrives slightly on the exam syndrome — something that gets the adrenalin flowing rather like ‘ first nights ’ .
12 So there were parts of me that watched the naming ceremony for the new catapult with some amusement , even contempt .
13 As though intense emotions — jealousy , rage , unreasoning desire — are all the parts of me that have always been missing . ’
14 On the other hand there 's a part of me that rejoices , that is glad he paid the way he did , that for once the world worked the way it 's supposed to , punishing the wrongdoer … and that saddens and sickens me too , because I think that this must be the way Andy feels all the time .
15 Although I could n't tell the difference at the time , I was in fact wrong yesterday and right today , and this is sufficient to ground a difference in the outside observer 's description of me as knowing today but not knowing yesterday .
16 in front of me and throw out carton into the road , winds his window up again .
17 Then I slowly stand up , and they see the length of me and back away .
18 I recall being in the first class and er a teacher coming to me , as I were n't paying much attention I think , and to this day I shall remember and never forget , she just folded my arms in front of me and says , Percy , you 're not listening , you 'll have to have a rest .
19 When he joined Ingard and wanted a number two he thought of me and asked me to come in with him .
20 I fixed my chin firmly on the metal in front of me and obeyed the instructions .
21 Dad flushed and let go of me and went to sit down again .
22 We set off in file moving along a narrow gauge railway in pitch darkness I was trying desperately to keep in contact with the Frenchman in front of me and cursing him when he stopped suddenly , causing me to bang my face on his rucksack .
23 After she had squeezed blood out of me and squirted it into little bottles , she said ‘ Thank you very much ’ — I thought ‘ That was n't so bad ’ and was halfway out the door when a nurse redirected me to a bed and rolled up my sleeve .
24 My right arm , he forced around in front of me and pressed it hard on to the table so that the fingers splayed out just in front of my face .
25 ‘ The other girls in the home make fun of me and steal my clothes . ’
26 ‘ When I wear a fine coat , the working people that I want for models are afraid of me and distrust me , or they want more money from me . ’
27 She grabbed hold of me and rammed my head into the crook of her arm and tried to force the bar into my mouth .
28 It could not get hold of me and stifle me ; for it would employ only my hands and a certain section of my knowledge ; the rest of me would be free : after office hours my escape would be absolute ; and then the holidays would enable me , according to my powers and my wishes , to live another life as different as that of Jekyll from that of Hyde .
29 what was expected of me and encouraged
30 They got hold of me and pushed me to the ground then they took the money in my pockets .
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