Example sentences of "of [noun pl] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 During one of his many civil disobedience campaigns , which ranged from non-payment of taxes to blocking border posts into the US , he led a hunger strike in protest at alleged vote rigging in the presidential race .
2 The changes had been announced by President Ibrahim Babangida on Aug. 27 , when he said that the decision to bring the number of states to 30 was based on " social justice , the principle of development and the principle of a balanced federation " .
3 Gradually the western territories became part of the Union , and the admission of Arizona and New Mexico in 1912 brought the total number of states to 48 ; the number was increased to 50 in 1959 by the addition of Alaska and Hawaii .
4 Zoology ranges from the study of molecules to that of animal communities .
5 They can have from a handful of copies to several hundred , often scattered on many different chromosomes .
6 This brought the total number of projects to 470 and total spending to ECU8,200 million .
7 English Nature has announced the addition of four new projects to its Species Recovery Programme , bringing the total number of projects to 22 .
8 The formation of planetary systems and the size and chemical composition of each member are , then , remarkably regular : given a sun-sized star a computer generally comes up with a similar range of planets to that in the solar system , with small rocky planets closest to the star and the large gaseous ones further out ( due to the effects of gravity , orbits would later space themselves out along the lines of our own solar system ) .
9 it is against freedom of trade and natural justice to subject one group of solicitors to extra rules because they do not practice in partnership ;
10 This level of autonomy will result in a changed role for the school from one of administration of policies to one of management of local resources .
11 Lawyers who spend their days faxing revisions of contracts to one another could avoid the need to type in the changes every time they receive something new .
12 Two main forms of privatization can be identified at local level : first , the issuing of contracts to private agencies to undertake work for councils and , secondly , a redefinition of certain existing public services as services which should be supplied by the market .
13 The new wording , insisted on by the US government , which is refusing to commit itself to specific targets , refers to the reduction of emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000 as merely a " guideline " target .
14 Only the loss of Darlington , where Mr Michael Fallon was comprehensively defeated to become one of eight unseated ministers , went against the regional pattern of swings to Labour far lower than that predicted by the polls .
15 The subjection of seamen to Marine Boards in the north-east , where crimping was less in evidence than in London or Liverpool , was to treat them like " a parcel of Mexican slaves " .
16 Roughly speaking , plain , unemotional , ordered " talking " , which is heavily dependent upon our ability to recognize and encode binary discriminations ( distinctive features in phonology and logical oppositions in argument ) , has been shown to be a function of the left hemisphere of the brain , while emotional responses , which are the consequence of reactions to sensory inputs from outside , are a function of the right hemisphere .
17 Erm y'know I mean because people have a whole variety of reactions to these things which you may want to investigate more specifically .
18 The State has powers to alienate the rights of possessions to such " deserving grantees " ( the deserving grantees , according to Islamic law , are the landless , the warriors and others who serve the State , those who can actually cultivate the land , and those who have just embraced Islam ) who are able to put the land to productive use and to be of benefit to the society at large .
19 The Assistant Government Agent at Matara agreed that the establishment of village tribunals had led to a decrease in the number of police court cases , but asked ‘ what good end is obtained by merely removing the scene of litigation from one set of courts to another , and doubling the amount of litigation in the process , and how it is supposed that by increasing litigation twofold the peace and harmony of the district is secured , and litigation robbed of all the rancour and bad feelings it engenders in the ordinary courts ? ’
20 Occasionally , housing policies in local areas have attempted to restrict the sale of houses to local inhabitants .
21 Epstein had one of the most important collections of African and Oceanic sculpture ever assembled in this country and introduced a number of contemporaries to non-European art ; most recent scholarship puts the beginning of his collecting activity in 1912 when it is documented but Gardiner places it in 1904 , ( i.e. before Derain and Picasso ) when Epstein was a penniless student in Paris .
22 The suggestions are that the County Council in particular should help in the development of satellites to that erm , that business link , one in Oswestry and one at Craven Arms , and we should seek to make sure those satellites are available by no later than the end of nineteen ninety four , the beginning of nineteen ninety five .
23 The system model , although not intended to reflect ideal functional groupings , also indicated that a sub-division of activities to those directly concerned with course delivery ( ie the operational functions ) , and those concerned with non-teaching tasks ( ie the support functions ) , was appropriate to align systemically-related activities .
24 We have put forward a number of proposals to this effect in the political union intergovernmental conference .
25 Furthermore , the wrong reading responses with exception words should demonstrate the application of rules to these words , as in the pint example .
26 Decisions must be made by the methodical application of rules to particular cases , not upon any private motivations .
27 The aim of the bill was to curb the sale of firearms to convicted felons ( by allowing police seven days in which they might , but were not compelled to , check the criminal record or mental health of a potential purchaser ) , and to impose a " cooling-off " period for would-be purchasers .
28 But soon Owen 's erstwhile disciple T. H. Huxley began to question the dinosaurs ' relationships to lizards ; he saw the closeness of birds to some reptiles , and inferred that at least some dinosaurs had gone on two legs rather than four , the Iguanodon among them .
29 The attitude of employers to domestic responsibilities is of considerable importance and highly variable .
30 Although a minority of the group succeeded in finding jobs , these did not last long , and , like the rest of this group , who remained unemployed , they became frustrated and disillusioned by the difficulties they experienced in finding employment and by the attitude of employers to older workers .
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