Example sentences of "of [adj] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The first three kinds of honorific were clearly distinguished by Comrie ( 1976b ) , who pointed out that traditional descriptions have often confused ( i ) and ( ii ) : the distinction is that in ( i ) respect can only be conveyed by referring to the " target " of the respect , whereas in ( ii ) it can be conveyed without necessarily referring to the target .
2 The contrasting images which survive of Osred are probably a reflection of the increasing divisions within the Northumbrian kingdom at this time .
3 The petite marmite , the pot au feu , the croûte au pot were made with rich beef , veal and chicken stock ; the fillets of sole were invariably cooked with truffles and cream or with mushrooms and lobster sauce , with artichoke hearts or with white wine and grapes ; noisettes d'agneau , from the finest baby lamb , made such frequent appearances on the menu that one wonders how any sheep has survived ; the chicken was stuffed with a mousse de foie gras ; the little birds which followed — quail , ortolan or snipe — were again presented with truffles ; asparagus , in and out of season , were always accompanied by hollandaise sauce ; and the bombe glacée , indispensable , it seems , to a good dinner , was the signal for all the display of which the confectionery chef was capable .
4 Another point to bear in mind is that , although many hours of agonizing are often spent by relations over the choice of music , the actual time given to tapes or organ-playing in crematoria averages sixteen seconds .
5 Issues regarding the ethnic minority dimensions of ageing are only now beginning to be addressed in Britain .
6 This book is about the transcendent worlds but some of the ideas of the philosophers of old are so noble and inspiring that the emotions they arouse are of the peak experience .
7 The Gorbals of old was highly populated , the streets ever-crowded .
8 With the animals under light anesthaesia , 1 ml of 9 9 m Tc DTPA radiolabelled saline was introduced into the colon by slow infusion over five minutes ; 0.3 ml of saline was gently flushed through the cannula .
9 This type of long-netting is inevitably carried out in broad daylight , and the rabbits will be much more aware of the net than they are during darkness .
10 Habermas 's later work has opened up the way for communication to be studied as a social practice and has identified it as a dimension of social being largely absent in Marx 's account .
11 Some areas of white are also left on the water at this stage , and will be painted with a different blue later .
12 The significance of migrating larvae of S. vulgaris in natural cases of colic is difficult to assess , but it is generally recognised that where strongyle infections of horses are efficiently controlled the incidence of colic is markedly decreased .
13 An Intel version of multi-threading is currently being test on an AST Research Inc Manhattan multiprocessor and is due in 90 days .
14 When sales of unleaded were only 16 per cent of all fuel revenue in Britain , Germany was leading the field with a figure of 53 per cent ; in Denmark the percentage was 34 and in Norway 27 .
15 In consequence , enclosure of arable was now creating more social problems than it could solve .
16 Membership of Rotary was always a delight to Tom , as was membership of his Masonic Lodge where he held top offices in both organisations .
17 Under counter-trade a sale of good is contractually linked to an obligation to purchase goods or resultant output from the same country .
18 If units of good were constantly being cancelled by units of evil , ultimately mankind could be reverted to any point in time past , even to as far back as the beginning of life .
19 The law of passing-off is particularly useful if there is no registered mark to be infringed ; perhaps a trader or manufacturer has used a mark for several years without registering it as a trade mark .
20 In ‘ Grey Shadows ’ the areas of grey are sufficiently solid to balance with the strong blues and yellows , but the sense of landscape remains .
21 The finale of Unforgiven is as much a tragedy for the survivors as for those who bite the dust .
22 Without it both Marx 's plan for a ‘ total man ’ and his concept of communist are equally inconceivable . ’
23 Does this indicate that the heyday of Various is past .
24 Does this indicate that the heyday of Various is past .
25 At one stage it appears as if the substantive meaning of unreasonable is simply one strand of the umbrella to be juxtaposed to irrelevancy , mala fide , etc .
26 The operation of set-aside is even worse than the concept .
27 Although the quantum yield of photosynthesis can vary in the ocean , a systematic , multi-decadal change in the quantum yield of twofold is highly implausible .
28 Altdorf is also the centre of magic lore and its eight Colleges of Magic are justly famous throughout the Old World and beyond .
29 Commons are scattered throughout the county , and although rights of common are fiercely defended they are rarely exercised , and many commons are returning to woodland .
30 Rights of common are still exercised in both forests .
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