Example sentences of "of [art] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is the nature and character of the proceeding in which habeas corpus is sought which provide the test .
2 There is so much of Keats that he admired — his pugnacity , his social concern , his gusto , his direct presentation of the moment 's phases of mind and moods of temperament — that one becomes aware of the impress of Thomas 's own mind and experience through his comments on Keats : ‘ Because he was then in the midst of his greatest period , and had to find vent for the pressure of poetry within him , he had to live away from Fanny Brawne , at Shanklin and Winchester : had he been near her long , at this time , love and poetry together , not to speak of the ‘ hateful literary chit-chat ’ of Hampstead , would have been insupportable .
3 The frescos depict scenes of the Life of St Mary and the Presentation of the Remains of St Vitus to the cathedral .
4 Mr Perren tells me : ‘ By happy coincidence , on the very same day Ruth Prawer Jhabvala was in Bath on a film set too — the Merchant Ivory movie of The Remains Of The Day which she has scripted from the Kazuo Ishiguro novel . ’
5 Even those governments that were in the vanguard of the urging for greater union were guilty at times of dragging their heels when OEEC proposals and policies seemed likely to have an adverse effect upon the national economy .
6 I did n't know that , I thought I 'd put down what , some of the people one of the babysit for as one of my references because I babysit her kids at primary school age
7 This remains the objective and , in fact , a lot of the getting into shape has already been done in that similar tonnages of both dry and coated stone were produced and sold in 1992 as compared to 1991 with significant reductions in staffing and investment .
8 We append here some useful theorems and definitions : Theorem 1 — The reciprocal of the transpose of a matrix A is equal to the transpose of the reciprocal of A. For
9 Day two of the seize of the George Hotel at Nailsworth at Gloucester , and the protestors were in a confident mood .
10 At their elbows stand the ghosts of the fallen in the first world war , reminding them of that earlier occasion when so many ministers preached uncritical political guidance from their pulpits .
11 An impressive addition to the Castle buildings is the SCOTTISH NATIONAL WAR MEMORIAL designed by Sir Robert Lorimer , with its noble Hall of Honour and beautiful Shrine , devoted to the memory of the fallen in both World Wars .
12 That there 's an attempt here to trying to save as many of those jobs as possible and I do n't take the insurances of the gone through the system now , but exactly true you 're saying that it is .
13 The magnitude of the splitting in a given band gives an indication of the contribution of the halogen p-orbitals to the corresponding molecular orbital .
14 Oh yes it 's the black edge of the reflecting on it in n it ?
15 Here the negation of the hoped for conclusion is shown to lead to a contradiction ( or absurdity ) .
16 And you through these courses and you got a certificate when you come out which er some of the said to us , a fully qualified member of a , so these advantages were open to us then you see ?
18 Similarly , if debts due to the company are subject to a floating charge , the interest of the floating charge holder will be subject to any lien or set off that the company creates with respect to the charged assets prior to crystallisation , for a floating charge is not regarded for this purpose as an immediate assignment of the chose in action , it becomes such only on crystallisation .
19 If one of the depends on 0 , the problem is much more complicated and we will not discuss it further .
20 Thus , as far as the termination and re-grant of a franchise is concerned , Rask suggests that the decision of the EAT in LMCDrains Ltd v Waught ( EAT 182/90 ) , upholding an application of the Regulations , is to be preferred over that of the same court in Robert Seligman Corp v Baker [ 1983 ] ICR 770 , denying their applicability .
21 Nonetheless , we take some satisfaction from the knowledge that the involvement of the Board did break the logjam at the earlier stage of this project , and we 're able to report that the Shetland Island Council Charitable Trust has recognized the work of the done by the Board in its final settlement of its account with us .
22 Even so , expect to lose some of the fry despite these safeguards .
23 We missed the first brood to be born , but managed to save some of the fry by netting them out of the adult tank .
24 John Walton 's scholarly book records many other hardships of the fry by night trade .
25 Conditions Precedent to the Policy — These are Conditions which apply to the conduct of the Insured before the inception of the policy , namely the duty of ‘ utmost good faith ’ .
26 Analysts were mildly bullish following Storage Technology Corp 's first quarter report — figures , page five — and after an order imbalance on the New York Stock Exchange , the shares were up $1.125 or 4.7% at $25.125 in early trading on Friday : the numbers beat Wall Street expectations , and the company said that operating performance exceeded its expectations , largely as a result of the strengthening in the US enterprise-related business ; Europe remained slow as a result of weak economies , but the mid-range business has begun to benefit from new products ; cash grew to $325m from $118m at the end of 1992 ; it studiously avoided saying anything about the late Iceberg disk array .
27 We secured the position of the prove by tape attached to the buttocks and measured the rectal CSA between 8.2 and 8.4 cm from the anal verge .
28 No other bishop can meet the demands of the see of London , in statesmanship , scholarship , spiritual force , ‘ and the rest ’ .
29 It was at one period customary , where a town was the centre of the see of a bishop and where in consequence there was a cathedral , to classify the town as a city .
30 Richard had ordered the confiscation of the estates of the see of Lincoln and Bishop Hugh decided to go himself to Normandy and protest .
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