Example sentences of "of [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 The animals are packed with sufficient food and a source of moisture for the complete journey allowing for possible delays .
2 But even from that the soaring fantasy needs to be pruned : Dryden believed Pericles to be Shakespeare 's earliest play , presumably his ugliest apprentice work , dug up from the pre-Titus Andronicus strata of foul papers ( in one of those great trunks that he probably left in the Mountjoys ' attic , in Silver Street , to be destroyed in the Great Fire ) , and now rewritten under pressure for a new kind of play for the Blackfriars stage .
3 The Munn Report examined the structure of the curriculum in the last two years of compulsory schooling in Scotland , and carried out its work almost at the same time as the Dunning Committee considered the aims , purposes and forms of assessment for the whole ability range .
4 The study also suggests that priority ought to be given to research which synthesises available evidence and arguments about key aspects of welfare policy , including the unit of assessment for the purposes of tax and social security , personal freedom and preventive health measures and the social responsibility for dependants .
5 The normal means of assessment for the taught courses is written essay and in some cases an oral examination as well .
6 However , the wine must have been amphetamine-free , because the resulting doldrums never arrived , and I remained in a state of euphoria for the whole of the afternoon .
7 By abandoning any logic of progress for the negative synthesis of anti-labour which produces deviation , Sartre is , on the other hand , able to account for the major detour that provides the context for his whole debate with Merleau-Ponty , and indeed for all post-war Marxism : the spectre of Stalinism .
8 And which is natural because you know , the very early motor cars were only a sort of toy for the rich as it were and er when it came to you see er grocer 's vans or , or er laundry vans made out of old pr private cars .
9 MUCH TO their chagrin , the woes of Chancellor Kohl 's centre-right coalition have yet to produce a solid wave of support for the Social Democrats .
10 And any such maturing sales would mask the extent of support for the pound last month .
11 What we do know is that Lloyd George , despite his public stance of support for the National Government , thought , in private , that it had been a mistake for the Liberals to join it .
12 But by then , the show-down had come from one of support for the clergyman to one of outright resistance to the regime .
13 The peasants were abandoned , and even the urban poor ( long a bastion of support for the regime ) lost their early enthusiasm .
14 Privatization would not mean the end of support for the railways .
15 Nevertheless , it was the British Labour movement which was the backbone of support for the Spanish Republican government .
16 A second source of support for the idea of a generation gap in the DUP is found in the statements of embittered defectors or expellees .
17 The genuine popularity of the Prince , his self-evident concern and compassion , and events like his fortieth birthday party ( held in a Birmingham tram shed ) are drawing on new sources of support for the institution of monarchy beyond the recesses of middle-class dreaming .
18 The function of the ‘ Führer myth ’ in deflecting from ‘ everyday ’ concerns and in bolstering the basis of support for the regime comes across clearly in reports on the impact of Hitler 's speeches , which the SD was keen to monitor .
19 As in so many countries in Europe , the collapse of the communists has been accompanied by a resurgence of support for the extreme right .
20 Polling Day Weather : Dry , sunny and warm THE RESULT of the general election was thrown wide open last night , with three polls suggesting a last-minute rallying of support for the embattled Conservatives .
21 Hopes of a mini-boom and perhaps another cut in interest rates ensured plenty of support for the stores .
22 In Teheran 's poor southern suburbs , which supposedly form the bedrock of support for the Islamic revolution , many young people said they would not be voting .
23 Both Revans and Douglas-Smith welcomed the offers made by Jacques , and the latter endorsed the position of the District as the providing body , an important indication of support for the WEA as the attitude of the resident tutor was crucial in the operation of any scheme involving co-operation between the University and the District .
24 The names provide comprehensive evidence of support for the project , both from the academic and practical viewpoint .
25 The graffiti gives an idea of the strength of support for the local football club , a guide to the local teenage love pairings , and sometimes a frank unsolicited appraisal of a member of staff .
26 In England , as elsewhere , ‘ even though their help could not be counted upon ’ , children and kin were providing the greatest share of support for the older generation of their families .
27 The collapse of the Husayn-Arafat accord led to a new phase of cooperation between Israel , the United States and Jordan aimed at objectives similar to those of the early seventies : the erosion of support for the PLO in the territories , the reinforcement of the normality of occupation by a programme to improve ‘ the quality of life ’ , a term coined in this context by US Secretary of State George Schultz .
28 The operation of the electoral system has changed as a result of alterations in the level and distribution of support for the political parties , so that the value of a vote is far less for the supporters of some parties than others and in some constituencies than in others .
29 The depth and fervour of public response seriously threatens the stability of a new and uncertain government committed to at least a show of support for the US .
30 This found not only a generally high level of support for the police , but that this spread throughout the class structure ( indeed was marginally higher in the working class ) .
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