Example sentences of "of [noun sg] to which " in BNC.

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1 As far as local government is concerned the extent and direction of change to which it has been subject since the 1960s are difficult to explain mainly in terms of the state itself .
2 One of these involves using the hind leg to scratch an area of skin to which an irritant has been applied .
3 The basic cutting is a whole leaf , together with the short section of stem to which it is attached and the bud at its base .
4 Reading Unamuno , I found this passage which gave me comfort among all the mockery : ‘ The greatest height of heroism to which an individual , like a people , can attain is to know how to face ridicule . ’
5 a concept which has always been in complicity with a teleological and eschatological metaphysics , in other words , paradoxically , in complicity with that philosophy of presence to which it was believed history could be opposed .
6 said : ‘ This court has on numerous occasions held that the effect of Ord. 29 , r. 1(5) of the County Court Rules 1981 is that the contemnor must be personally served with a properly drafted notice which recites in clear and unambiguous detail the following : ( 1 ) the order of the court or undertaking given to the court in respect of which he has been found in breach ; ( 2 ) the respects in which it is alleged that he has been in breach ; ( 3 ) the findings of the judge as to the alleged breaches ; ( 4 ) the period of committal to which he has been sentenced and ( 5 ) that he may apply to the court to purge his contempt and seek his release .
7 This is the obedience of faith to which personal conviction leads .
8 The folklore provides a version of past history on any case or class of case to which an officer confronted with a problem may turn for a solution , whether it be one of choosing the ‘ proper ’ negotiating stance , making the ‘ right ’ decision , or placing the ‘ correct ’ interpretation upon acts , events or characters .
9 There are two categories of case to which the restraint of trade doctrine has traditionally been applied : contracts between employers/employees and business sale agreements .
10 Thus if the clause does not expressly refer to negligence , the clause may still exclude liability for negligence provided that ( 1 ) the wording is capable of covering negligence and ( 2 ) there is no other head of liability to which the clause could apply .
11 While it may be possible to say , on the basis of a diagnosis , that a child will continue to experience considerable difficulties with various aspects of language , it remains true that the course and speed of language development will depend , to a great extent , upon the kinds of experience to which the child is subsequently exposed .
12 But if the expenses in question are payable out of income to which the beneficiary has already become entitled , the expenses are not a proper deduction from the beneficiary 's total income , since they represent simply the mode in which he applies his income after he has become entitled to it .
13 First , the original client shows up on a plane of existence to which she would never normally have access .
14 She was perfectly entitled to use it as working capital if that was the sum of money to which , taking into account her contribution and all other aspects of section 25 , she was entitled .
15 We 're gon na , we 're gon na stay on this issue of ownership and surpluses for a little time , cos it 's actually so important , but it 's not unreasonable for your pensioners to think that here was this pot of money to which one could dip into , but the only thing is the pot of money disappeared did n't it ?
16 Amongst the offices listed are the stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds and that of bailiff of the Manor of Northstead the existence of which is nominal only but ‘ appointment' ’ of a Member of Parliament to which is the traditional manner of resigning a seat .
17 His illegal confiscation of their estates was the sort of action to which the landed classes were normally extremely sensitive but , in the short term , it met with no resistance .
18 A cause of action to which a hospital authority or a member of its medical staff ( or both ) may be liable as the result of the performance of an operation is trespass to the person , and treatment administered without the patient 's express or implied consent constitutes an assault which may lead to an action for damages .
19 ‘ These are vital foundations for building the G-7 's programme of action to which the Government is committed .
20 His illegal confiscation of their estates was the sort of action to which the landed classes were normally extremely sensitive but , in the short term , it met with no resistance .
21 In this chapter we have been looking at the details of the division of labour to which Ella was referring .
22 ‘ Whatever the precise degree of knowledge of the defendants at any particular time , faced with a laden ship which , as they well knew , was about to leave port , the defendants must in my judgment be deemed to have known of the almost certain existence of contracts of carriage to which the shipowners were parties .
23 The classic Hollywood narrative , he proposes , in a manner quite similar to Bakhtin 's , is defined by the centrality of a logic of causation to which character is central , and to which space and time are always subordinate : ‘ In the Hollywood style the systems do not play equal roles : space and time are almost invariably made vehicles for narrative causality ’ .
24 He does not supplement but instead denies the view of causation to which we have come .
25 Effects are such , on the view of causation to which we have come , since there is the possibility of finding those things which no matter their accompaniment would still have been followed by the effect .
26 For he was realistic enough to recognize that even if the Greek distinction between the ‘ pure ’ and the ‘ useful ’ was ultimately illusory , still the kind of class-division to which it had given rise was deeply engrained .
27 The removal of a centre of consciousness to which the narrative discourse could be attached and the self-conscious preoccupation with both the linguistic/ verbal origins of the text and the status of the reading and writing of fiction suggested that a new aesthetic had been evolved .
28 Stephen had gone out first , scrambling up the shaft , putting all his weight this time on the rope and wondering what would happen , whether they would ever be found alive , if the rope came unfastened from the spur of rock to which they had tied it .
29 The dichotomy between these elements was resolved by turning the boardroom into a form of club to which only those with the right social background would be admitted .
30 When the Secretary of State proposes to issue a code of practice to which this section applies , he shall prepare and publish a draft of that code , shall consider any representations made to him about the draft and may modify the draft accordingly . …
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