Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [is] the " in BNC.

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1 The default value of HIMEM is the highest memory address available for use by BBCBASIC(Z80) .
2 It is obvious that the first type of temperament is the one most desirable for a riding horse .
3 commonly known as an essay , this instrument of assessment is the most open-ended type of written assessment
4 Commonly known as an essay , this form of assessment is the most open-ended type of written test .
5 However , in relation to exclusions in standard terms , including exclusion of liability for negligence , the time of assessment is the time when the contract was made .
6 The supreme joy of Keld is the river , hurrying in a mad rush from its desolate beginnings as it thrashes through a channel it has carved in the limestone in a series of cascades and waterfalls .
7 The heart of Saphery is the Tower of Hoeth , the shrine of the God of Wisdom .
8 One important indicator of change is the school 's name .
9 Another area of expertise is the repair of combustion chambers , used in both aviation and industrial gas turbines .
10 Another ray of hope is the International Tropical Timber Organisation ( ITTO ) which was established in 1986 .
11 Amid the renewed glimmers of hope is the knowledge that this is the 19th attempt at a ceasefire .
12 The only statutory ray of hope is the phrase ‘ except while being kept overnight on premises occupied by the person making the car available to them ’ .
13 There remains truth in the adage , ’ The devil makes work for idle hands ’ ; and I assert that lack of hope is the greatest recruiting officer for all criminal activity .
14 However , the most grotesque and bizarre feature of communism is the systematic use of political terror .
15 Luke could scarcely underline more strongly that the supreme object of prayer is the Holy Spirit of God .
16 ‘ The management of complexity is the key problem of our era , ’ Lucky said , ‘ and the people who will benefit from the computer revolution are those who are comfortable with complexity .
17 Then the probability of any one planet , such as Earth , enjoying both strokes of luck is the product of the two low probabilities , and this is a far smaller probability .
18 The procedure for the obtaining and giving of further particulars of defence is the same as appertains in relation to further particulars of claim .
19 According to functionalism , it turns out that the appropriate level of description is the same as that which characterizes folk psychology , the psychological theory that ordinary people use when predicting and explaining the behaviour of their fellow human beings in the course of their everyday lives .
20 The early stage of pupation is the most difficult to manage .
21 Unfortunately , the very fact that the study of inequality is the central issue means that there have been a great variety of competing theories and concepts attempting to describe and explain it .
22 The basic form of eurobond is the straight fixed rate bond , having bullet repayment .
23 The main advantage of this method of printing is the high speed , long run capability .
24 The basis of settlement is the same as for Part B of the policy .
25 Smelling : It is said that the sense of smell is the most evocative of all , particularly when we are caught unawares .
26 A sense of smell is the first and primary thing for the animal because it gives it its sense of direction and it 's very important and it goes gently cold , delicately as the dark snow .
27 Another sign of attachment is the revival of the art of cameo-cutting , beginning with the commissions bestowed by popes , prelates and connoisseurs at the time of the Renaissance , persisting through the period of bourgeois dominance and continuing into the present age of enfranchisement even to the point at which resort has had to be made to substitute materials like shell or paste to satisfy a greatly enlarged market .
28 Movies had always been made about the past , of course , if not so very frequently about that immediate past whose primary unit of measure is the decade rather than the century ; but it was probably Visconti 's The Damned in 1969 that inaugurated what were to be the definitive parameters of a new filmic style .
29 Yet that sort of worry is the kind of thing that makes him so exciting . ’
30 In that refusal of personhood to moments of partiality is the hidden root of fascism .
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