Example sentences of "of [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 you know that s some do n't really have a great deal of problem , others really do have a sort of off work for two or three days every month and it 's not a bundle of laughs because , you know , that really must be difficult , but they , they get a rough idea of how it for them
2 And I would have got it together if I 'd had time had gone out to work instead of for days on end being unemployed and sitting and telling me about Karen .
3 Her growing indignation at the way they were discussing her as though she were so much merchandise was abruptly swamped by misery at the thought of giving herself to the man she had dreamed of for years in such a cold-blooded manner .
4 Disadvantages : It 's an expensive option ( Judy 's client 's pay an annual membership fee of £35 or a one-off fee of £6 , plus an hourly rate of between £2.90–£3.75 per hour ) ; you 'll be leaving your children with a stranger .
5 Tenants on the Platt Bridge estate in Wigan were paying staggering heating bills for one- and two-bedroom maisonettes , culminating in bills of between £250 per quarter in 1982 .
6 The Group , which intends to operate nationally , does not set an upper limit on the size of customer , but expects 80 per cent of its work to come from companies with a turnover of between £0.5M to £5M .
7 Morphine , methadone and cocaine taken from Salmon and Atkinson , Stockton , could have a street value of between £4,000 to £5,000 .
8 Unilever is not revealing the price but analysts speculated that on the basis of recent transactions in the European branded food business , such as the French BSN 's purchase of HP Sauce and Lea & Perrins from Hanson , a figure of between £30m to £40m may have been paid .
9 Everex filed for Chapter 11 protection on January 4 after a projected loss of between $80m to $100m for 1992 .
10 ‘ Vast ’ here means loose estimates of between $40 to $60 billion .
11 There are measures being taken to reduce the amount of through traffic in George Street , which will benefit the pedestrians in that street .
12 This year a copy of the rare and only edition of Through Cyprus with the Camera , in the Autumn of 1878 ( London , 1879 ) by John Thomson , one of Scotland 's most important 19th-century photographers , was acquired .
13 The residuals from the fitted line can be thought of as values for a variable which have been adjusted to take the explanatory variable into account .
14 Thus took place the earliest known vaccinations , although the treatment was thought of as inoculation with cowpox until the term vaccination ( from the Latin vacca for cow ) was coined in 1802 .
15 People said at the time that the war had been fought for the children , for a better future , and the 1950s represent a watershed in the historical process by which children have come to be thought of as repositories of hope , and objects of desire .
16 The tracks can be thought of as patterns of gene activity and the ball as a developing cell .
17 Erm I mean kids can do , of a similar age , can do enormously abusive things to each-other in which case it 's often thought of as things like bulling or erm or or something like that y'know I mean for example I know somebody who attende was educated at Rugby and you know he was he was buggered silly by the other boys who also wired him up to the mains and stuck billiard cues up his bum and all sort of things .
18 First , there were what I thought of as variations at the ‘ horizontal ’ level .
19 Therefore the flower is ultimately linked to the earth itself , which is thought of as part of a ‘ sphere ’ — this refers to the Ptolemaic system , already out of date in the seventeenth century .
20 The price paid for a warrant can be thought of as part of the subscription price for a share which may ( or may not ) be issued at a future date .
21 The notion that language development is best thought of as part of a process for regulating joint activities , rather than as a subject , has profound implications for helping children with language difficulties .
22 However , description is not a privileged area of objective study , and the presentation of socio-cultural conditions of other societies can not be viewed as a final explanation of other institutions and values , but must be thought of as part of the observer 's reconstruction of their own understanding of the institutions and values .
23 In the social sciences at large the word has often been used very loosely for any approach which applies scientific method to human affairs , conceived of as part of the natural order .
24 Among these he included the educational system and also many institutions that are not usually thought of as part of the state , such as the family , churches , the media , trade unions and political parties .
25 Erm , he has stripped away from these true selves everything that we normally think of as institute of , of a self .
26 Others we do n't usually think of as drugs at all , like alcohol and cigarettes .
27 On the other hand , certain of our major retailers ( e.g. Marks and Spencer ) are commonly thought of as models of efficiency , and their ‘ own brands ’ command widespread respect — the typical consumer does not think twice about which factory or by whom they are made .
28 They say ‘ classes can be conceived of as sets of places within the social division of labour ’ .
29 Not many lives ago there were public hangings in this country and people certainly thought it was their right to watch and enjoy in fact , they even paid for seats to see public hangings , if they could afford to and as Mr has pointed out , er it 's not long ago er that bear baiting and badger baiting and cock fighting were seen as right and proper and no doubt spoken of as rights of free born Englishmen .
30 But the trick was to think of these properties as mappable ; that is , capable of being thought of as dimensions in space .
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