Example sentences of "of [noun sg] but [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It was an unusually quiet night , and Jack had been called in earlier and had stayed not out of necessity but because , as he said , if he went home he would only be called out again .
2 The point of introducing these ideas here is to draw attention to the radical analysis which suggests that management may use rules and procedures , and other more complex organisational arrangements such as product groups or even matrix organisational structures , not just because they may be a more efficient means of co-ordination but because they are necessary if capital is to control recalcitrant labour .
3 They must be seen by us not only as a new type of settlement but as places with individual characters and their own idiosyncrasies .
4 I wish you 'd told me before , Edward , I mean , it 's entirely your own affair of course but if I 'd known forewarned would have been forearmed and we could have avoided this sort of thing . ’
5 These terminological changes are not made merely for the sake of variety but because I believe the substitute terms convey their meaning more pointedly than Marx 's originals .
6 But there is all the difference in the world between people created as equal before God , having equal access to the law , and the way in which equality is used so frequently today : not as equality of opportunity but as equality of outcome .
7 The agreement provided that the piano would become the property of the customer on payment of all the instalments of rent but that he could at any time before then terminate the hiring by returning the piano to the dealer .
8 He wrote not to tell her this nor to send her any kind of greeting but because he wanted her to do something for him .
9 The 1988 BCS argues that Asians and Afro-Caribbeans were more likely to become the victims of crime but that this is :
10 In January 1987 , yet another judge stated that the March ruling was , in fact , in breach of statute but as it had not been appealed against it had to stand .
11 By far the majority of students spend their years at University with a minimum of uncertainty but when difficulties arise , the Director of Studies is there to help .
12 This fascinating story is one of many such in Roger Lonsdale 's anthology of Eighteenth-Century Women Poets , not just a marvellous piece of scholarship but as richly entertaining and original a book as I have come across for some time .
13 Now this kind of ordering text on a page if you 're using a typewriter takes quite a lot of skill but if you 're a , with a word processor it 's actually quite easy .
14 The Act Two ball dress , the emerald gown with the huge stiffened collar embroidered with pearls , looked even better than the Act One dress and she realized that , without knowing quite how , she had quelled Gesner — not for reasons of rivalry but because she had had to get the production back on course .
15 It becomes clear from the expressions used by Lord Wright speaking for the Privy Council to describe the duty and its breach , the important and significant date in relation thereto was not the date of manufacture but when the damage occurred : see also Watson v. Fram Reinforced Concrete Co . Ltd. , 1960 S.C . ( H.L. ) 92 .
16 It matters not ; within a few years and many fast and furious films later , he was being heralded not as the king of exploitation but as something of a genius , to which description he again did not object .
17 It is a measure of Gray 's single-minded devotion to anatomy and authorship that ‘ Gray 's Anatomy ’ remains even today , not only an important book of reference but as virtually a household phrase .
18 AS A writer , Robert Louis Stevenson may have borne the stamp of greatness but after the world-renowned Scot was sized up by the Royal Mail it seems Britain 's letters may never bear a stamp of RLS .
19 Bankruptcy — Property passing to trustee — Joint tenants — Husband and wife joint tenants of property — Bankruptcy of husband — Wife dying after act of bankruptcy but before adjudication order — Whether joint tenancy severed before wife 's death — Bankruptcy Act 1914 ( 4 & 5 Geo. 5 , c. 59 ) , ss. 37 , 38(a)
20 The Syrians had already broken through the rampart of sand but as we approached , a Palestinian holding a rifle walked up to our car .
21 ‘ ( 1 ) strict rules of evidence were inherently inappropriate in a court concerned to decide whether there were substantial grounds for believing something , such as a court considering an application under the Bail Act 1976 ; ( 2 ) when considering an opposed application for bail justices were bound to investigate an alleged change of circumstance but where they erred by refusing so to do their subsequent order was not rendered void , although a court with appropriate jurisdiction could interfere to set it aside .
22 A defendant who does not believe in consent could either be one who fleetingly turns his mind to the issue of consent but since he is indifferent to the matter forms no view at all or one whose indifference is such that he entirely fails to think about it in the first place .
23 That is , liberty should not be viewed as the absence of compulsion but as the empowerment of all members of society to make the best of themselves .
24 Well this you can sit down in the seats , you can look at the you can touch the tables , there 's not a lot of stuff but if if you got any sense of history you can get the feel of the place you know .
25 On March 26 the state prosecutor announced that charges of treason against Honecker would not be brought for lack of evidence but that he would face lesser charges of corruption and abuse of power .
26 We may feel that the argument exposes idiosyncrasies in the concept of knowledge but that we can get by very well both for practical and philosophical purposes with the surviving notion of justified belief .
27 Erm it 's quite clear there 's going to be no more new money for patient care and without that I do n't think we 're going to get the increase in quality of service but that we actually need .
28 Having considered the terms of condition 8.1 , I am of the opinion that it can not be construed merely as a clause of retention of title but that it is truly an attempt to create a security without possession in which the machinery of a trust under Scots law is sought to be employed .
29 Someone asked me whether , I thought it 'd be a bit of fun But as I say nobody knows who you are , or what you 've said or anything so it does n't matter does it ?
30 After 8 April the aluminium returned to tapwater when a mains burst : sludge was found at the bottom of a glass of water but when it was sent to the authority for analysis it was discarded as ‘ too sludgy ’ .
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