Example sentences of "of [noun sg] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Even their acknowledgement of differences in sexuality is diluted by their desexualizing assimilation of lesbianism to cultural or biological ideals of femininity .
2 It is a matter of scale ; of working with like-minded , self-employed farmers and craftsmen rather than of subservience to faceless officials and giant firms .
3 Now we have GCSE , which devolves somewhat the choice of topics and the manner and timing of assessment to individual schools , and shifts the balance of that assessment from the retention of content to the mastery of certain identifiable skills — though in practice how extensive a shift this has been remains open to question .
4 Would assessment in the public mind become synonymous with this process , leading all other forms of assessment to pale into significance ?
5 The idea of decentralization to departmental units of accountable management not only undermines the hierarchical authority structure traditionally used in bureaucracies to enforce equitable application of departmental rules ( see p. 26 ) , but its underlying aim , as Gray and Jenkins ( 1985 , p. 157 ) warn , ‘ may be to downgrade … the search for fairness and equity of treatment … since such practices may not be value for money ’ , In the private sector , where equity is less important ( and in some cases absent ) , the search for value for money conflicts with no particular value systems , but in the public sector it does .
6 AMERICAN musician Joan Baez today sent a message of support to sacked workers at the Timex factory in Dundee .
7 A failure to give proper levels of support to informal carers not only reduces their own quality of life and that of the relative or friend they care for , but is also potentially inefficient as it can lead to less personally appropriate care being offered .
8 Now it says on average for , and then essentially we looked at the three main support of erm protectionist powers , like the E E C , U S A and Japan right , and they said that on average alright for every one dollar benefit alright for every one dollar benefit , one agricultural support , right it actually costs right one one fifty dollars of the general statistics in order to give a pounds worth of support to domestic farmers , we er have to find one pounds fifty right .
9 Accounts given by individuals are inevitably selective in content and emphasis , and as we noted in Chapter 3 , the attribution of change to particular policies or causal factors is always difficult .
10 Cut one piece of interfacing to finished size .
11 Many people took this game of make-believe to fantastic lengths and went through the whole elaborate business of a preparation for escape without the slightest real intention of ever carrying it out .
12 We 've lost acres and acres of woodland to fast grain farming .
13 Greater attention is also being paid to the process of admission to residential care .
14 Leaving aside the obvious example of admission to residential care , there are many less significant matters in which , for example , the old person 's attachment to the primary carer makes them reluctant to let anyone else play a part in their support .
15 Booth ( 1987 ) in a report investigating residential care in Camden emphasised how little priority is given by qualified field workers to developing their practice with old people around the issue of admission to residential homes .
16 Had the student acted without regard to either of these considerations , then the act of admission to residential care might have come to represent for John an aggressive act against him rather than one which was intended to be supportive .
17 In the case of admission to voluntary aided or special agreement schools , or to selective schools , choice could also be denied on religious or ability grounds .
18 Scotland shows some evidence for a higher alcohol consumption than England and a higher rate of admission to psychiatric institutions with alcoholism or alcoholic psychosis : in 1980 the age standardised rate per 100000 for male patients was 58.4 in Scotland and 11.0 in England .
19 In this last phrase , Said thus links his critique of Orientalism to other critiques , such as those of racism or of patriarchy .
20 The researchers can dip into a collection that ranges from the early days of photography to current events .
21 As we said earlier , labour law does not , in general , give a lower degree of protection to temporary workers qua temporary workers .
22 Furthermore , ‘ the proposal to give different levels of protection to institutional and private clients ’ posed ‘ no competition problems ’ .
23 While the American hemisphere itself and the main trans-oceanic lines of communication were secure , there was — they claimed — only " an inadequate measure of protection to vital military bases in the United Kingdom and in the Near and Middle East " .
24 The permitted hours provisions do not apply to any persons in premises where they are residing or to the supply of liquor to private friends of residents in a licensed premises entertained by the residents at their own expense .
25 A further level of complexity to hepatocyte-matrix interaction results from the propensity of the matrix to act as a reservoir and presenter of cell growth factors and cytokines .
26 A further difficulty , established by the research cited above , is the considerable variation in the way that users and librarians assign given definitions of level to actual materials .
27 This type of analytical framework posits a range of views from strong versions of racism to weak versions of ethnocentrism .
28 He said it should be possible to provide delegation of responsibility to regional staff , without prejudicing overall control .
29 The possibility of transfer of responsibility to central government agencies for some services previously provided by local authorities has already been mentioned .
30 Local authorities are directly responsible for providing services in a way that central government frequently avoids by the allocation of responsibility to other governmental agencies .
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