Example sentences of "of [noun sg] in time " in BNC.

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1 I feel that these difficulties have gone on too long for there to be a realistic prospect of change in time for these children and given their improvement whilst in foster care , where they are not brought up in their parents ' conflict , it is not in the children 's interests for them to go and live with the father and that they need to be placed in an environment with permanent substitute parents , who can meet the boys ' physical , emotional , educational and social needs .
2 This impression of coincidence in time between the action of perceiving and the event perceived is common to all the various verbs of perception : ( 31 ) " Look out for those movers ! "
3 This sequential representation , on the other hand , does not characterize the verbs of perception in their basic perceptual sense , where the relation is rather one of coincidence in time between the perceiving and the phenomenon being perceived .
4 As for the bare infinitive , a significant generalization concerning its meaning has been arrived at — the notion of coincidence in time between the infinitive and the verb to which it is incident , with the latter being inconceivable as a before-position with respect to the infinitive 's event .
5 Consistency of attitude and a degree of persistence in time creates confidence .
6 Active life is a condition of existence in time , translating the love of God into actions that will repair the fallen inner world of the psyche and the external world of society .
7 Could Australia get out of recession in time for the next general election ?
8 And that 's difficult , because you need a bit of lead in time to actually think it all through .
9 Thus at Lauds at the end of Matins the verses remember how : But the daily reminder of the shocking betrayal of truth in time is counterpointed against prayers and psalms which emphasise that this very process is the means by which redemption is accomplished and the ultimate strength of love proved .
10 Unless people are insured for that sort of period in time any way .
11 I have n't attempted to master its intricacies yet , but no doubt we shall both acquire some sort of proficiency in time .
12 It is the particular organisation of movement in time , space and intensity that a choreographer achieves through his grouping of the various types of steps .
13 If diplomacy is to function in war , then the Armed Forces must also serve as a tool of policy in time and peace .
14 Likely Anglo-American areas of co-operation in time of war could easily extend beyond the competence of Nato .
15 Needless to say , it would be impossible to provide each buyer or its bank with an endorsed original bill of lading in time to provide the same bill to the following endorsee .
16 The mystics understood the story of the Incarnation as the game of love in time , and the life of faith as engaging with , and extending it .
17 High among the bright snows of the Crystal Mountain , cut off from the immediate claims and responsibilities of life in time in the twentieth century , Matthiessen experiences a joy at the heart of the created order to which he belongs , a oneness with it .
18 They feel that they can engage with a dynamic power which orders the confusion into meaning and enables them to become participants in creating a pattern that redeems the losses and chances in the contingencies of life in time — to play a game that extends the significance of the Incarnation .
19 Another lyric makes even more explicit this identification of life in time with the Crucifixion as the only means by which its true value may be realised : Such lyrics embody an understanding of the process of transfiguration at the heart of the Christian faith which is realised by the mystics in experience and gestured towards in their texts .
20 At first , Gloria took Dot along the road to school but it was often difficult for Gloria to get out of bed in time , so they arrived late .
21 At night , a person may not be able to get out of bed in time , or they will dislike using a bedpan or find it difficult and messy .
22 One would like to have a ‘ time 's arrow ’ covering this more general case too — that is , a formula for the entropy of a non-gaseous non-equilibrium system that can be shown to have the property of non-decrease in time if the system is thermally isolated .
23 There was evidence of the need for training and of the benefits derived from training in terms of improvement in time and effort expended on tasks .
24 Children … are not endued with Reason at all , till they have attained the use of speech but are called Reasonable Creatures for the possibility apparent of having the use of Reason in time to come .
25 LESTER Piggott could be out of hospital in time to celebrate his 57th birthday on Thursday , his daughter Maureen said today .
26 ‘ So there 's some sort of kink in time about here ? ’ she said .
27 The cause is always one of the following : failing to recognise the loss of power in time ; over-reacting and flying into the ground ; opening the airbrakes instead of landing ahead with no airbrake .
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