Example sentences of "of [noun sg] through which " in BNC.

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1 We were concerned with the networks of interaction through which the project plan became an institutionalised reality , which then exerted influence upon the evolving roles of the participants .
2 Experiential learning methods aim to develop that domain of knowledge by offering a range of experience through which the nurse can learn .
3 In our uncaring society where relationships are reduced to a cold , three-letter word these days , I can not blame Mr Ashdown ( or anyone else ) for keeping something so personal from the shadow of sordidness through which our society ignorantly views such things today .
4 Almost all mundane objects possess some kind of biography through which their significance may radically alter .
5 Is not the mugger a person who knows only the language of violence through which to express his desperation ?
6 In particular , they must have forgotten the acts of violence through which it came into being ; and to be a nation , its inhabitants have to have a will to be a nation .
7 The Great Hall of Light through which the soulless one must first pass — yes , I came through that , thought Fergus .
8 From this point onwards , Piaget 's account progresses towards more complex forms of symbolism through which the adult 's conceptual apparatus and capacity for cognitive representation are fully developed .
9 There is a context of relevance through which deixis is received , and we need to know to what extent analogy with other texts is pertinent .
10 Such models also share an essentially procedural conception of justice and view the primary function of the state as that of securing a framework of law through which individuals may pursue their own particular goals .
11 Life was a grid of stucco through which the cliches were sought .
12 In responding to children 's writing , teachers are well able to distinguish between an embryonic attempt at a story and a more developed example ; indeed , there is substantial research available on the stages of story-writing through which young writers progress .
13 It would be monstrous if a corporation could maintain no action for slander of title through which they lost a great deal of money .
14 It would be monstrous if a corporation could maintain no action for slander of title through which they lost a great deal of money .
15 The final area of regulation concerns the form of organisation through which architects may offer their services .
16 It 's a village-level view of the rapid stages of development through which Africa 's capitalist success story has been jolted .
17 However , since it is more than a mere sign , it partakes of the reality it signifies and is a means of grace through which the atoning work of Christ is made effective in the life of the Christian .
18 This definition should be understood as the choreographer 's ability to establish a style of movement through which the audience will feel and understand what the performers are communicating through a particular way of dancing .
19 he screamed to persuade himself that he was not frightened , and suddenly the barricade dissolved in an explosion of smoke through which the musket flames stabbed like shivers of light and the General 's long white moustache was whipped by a bullet that went on to tear away his left ear-lobe , but that was the only injury he took for he had always been a lucky man , and he caught a glimpse of long weeds shivering under the silver water beneath the bridge , then he kicked his heels hard back , and his awkward ugly horse clumsily jumped the heaped-chairs at the right-hand end of the barricade .
20 We eventually managed to fly out of the city under a thick cloud of smoke through which the sun was unable to penetrate , and which was present from Sarawak to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore .
21 This rational presentation often follows a period of ingratiation through which the subordinate aims to get superiors to like him as a charming but intelligent expert .
22 State administrative agencies thus feed off the results of interest-group pressure , and interest groups find in the administration multiple points of access through which they can influence the formulation of government policy .
23 Among other things , kingship functioned as a kind of conduit through which man was linked to his gods .
24 Within any one cell of an organism , it is likely that components of the pathway are used to detect multiple signals , Ras acting as a kind of turnstile through which the signals must pass .
25 And because the mass media are at the heart of the processes of communication through which ‘ problems ’ and their ‘ resolution ’ are framed and discussed , they deserve extensive analysis .
26 The exchange should lay down the forum or medium of communication through which trading takes place .
27 They further argued that ‘ State ’ means the numerical collection of inhabitants in the geographical area and not the government or organs of government through which the state expresses its intentions .
28 Only the windows had been modernized , with the old , many-paned windows replaced with blank sheets of glass through which Anna could see the inhabitants , burrowed deep in the comfortable fusty layers of their living-rooms , mindlessly absorbed in the relentless quacking of the television set .
29 The principles referred both to the goals of broadcasting and to a particular form of organization through which ( alone ? ) they could be achieved .
30 From the façade and sides rise a mass of spires that form a small forest of stone through which to view Milan from the roof of the cathedral .
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