Example sentences of "of [noun sg] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some would say that blame should begin , even end , with Rushdie himself : that this ‘ impertinent , whining guest , ’ as Lord Tebbit unforgivably called him , wrote a calculatedly provocative book , brought the predictable wrath of Islam down upon himself and has since presented the taxpayer with a multi-million pound bill for keeping due retribution at bay .
2 She waited until he had passed through the door that led to the stairs ; then she covered up the trays of now cooling toffee , put a saucer of milk down for the cat , stroked the animal 's purring head , saying the while , ‘ Now you get to work , Flotsie , and put your score up tonight , ’ then she went out , and locked the door .
3 And certainly we have kept the amou the amount of administration down to a bear minimum if I can show you .
4 The new factory was built on the far side of the property , leaving Barlaston surveying a fine sweep of parkland down to a river widened to look like a lake .
5 Keeping the maximum depth of cut down to 0.5mm means the motor is not strained , however .
6 Anne put a cup of tea down beside her .
7 Sergeant Morrison put his mug of tea down on the greasy bar and turned .
8 This seems to suggest a negative feedback loop , driving the quality of research down by depriving it of central funds .
9 Though the account remains essentially the same as in earlier editions , the bibliography has been revised to take account of scholarship down to 1990 .
10 Coupled with the introduction of general management throughout the NHS was a real devolution of decision-making down to units .
11 I tell you one thing I used to enjoy , on this particular belt there were so many girls , what I used to enjoy was sending plenty of work down to them — I was responsible for how much work they got out …
12 You get a whole class of thirty-five people sat round absolutely mucking about , chucking books , ripping up books , everything like that , and the teacher stood out in front of the classroom writing a load of work down on the blackboard you ca n't really work .
13 does a lot of work down in London , he did a lot of work , well they done promotions er , and he evidently he was in a big job at , what was it in , in it ?
14 Taking that level of security down to individual data items , what what areas of my chartered account can I update what areas can I look at ?
15 If we were to shift the age of retirement down to 55 or up to 70 , the people would still be the same !
16 It always was a surprise , the pure majesty of the scene approaching the Alps , more especially in moonlight ; it seemed odd to me , whilst devouring this special panorama that in a short time we would be raining all the horrors of war down on people not seriously willing to fight .
17 Maquet , like Child , brought the philosophical debate about the sociology of knowledge down to differences in philosophical positions , differences due to different ontologies of social being and of knowledge .
18 I like to have some sort of colour down as an underpainting first to kill the white of the paper — a similar process to an oil painter , and I start by wetting the paper with an old one and a half inch household painting brush and then quickly slash in some colour which slightly relates to what I see .
19 Nearly drowned herself , put a bowl of water down for her
20 Bill , there there 'll be a tiny wee spot of water down at the bottom here Bill that 'll maybe take today just to dissolve away .
21 Drop nylon cord over the stitches and hold ends of cord down under the beds while you knit a few rows .
22 They squeezed into the little , bright cubicle and Keith put a piece of paper down on the shelf .
23 Mr Whittaker threw the piece of paper down on his desk .
24 A proof , taken by inking the mirror-image metal , and pressing a piece of paper down on it , went to the ‘ readers ’ for checking .
25 Erm you could of underline down by the bottom
26 There are a lot of people saying that Mike Martin Pipe is not the force he was etcetera but there 's been a change of policy down at and if anyone thinks that Pipe has lost his touch they 're talking twaddle .
27 ‘ It would n't do to drop them baskets of shingle down in our hold ! ’ he say .
28 I had a fellow come rushing out to me , point duty outside Legs o' Man pub one night , when I was directing traffic , puts a bottle of beer down by the side of me .
29 She takes a second hit , hauls a bullet of dope down into her lungs and continues .
30 And while they were biding their time over a game of backgammon down in the café , William used to wander through the silent , cluttered rooms where their investment languished , gathering dust .
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