Example sentences of "the first [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You would n't be the first one through these doors , ’ he nodded towards the main entrance and smiled broadly .
2 He surprised me , he was the first one down them great big shutes .
3 In the case of the first one to be founded after 1850 — Dundee in 1853 — a deaf person , Alexander Drysdale who was then headmaster of the Dundee School for the Deaf took the lead to establish an adult mission .
4 I well remember the first one to be accepted , ‘ ’ Firmly I believe and truly ’ , which was sung for the first time at the dedication of Holy Cross College .
5 ‘ Ooh ! ’ said the first one to his pal .
6 For the year 1982–3 , the Stephen Jones working group also put together a long-term system for the allocation of the pool based on unit costing and the 1982–3 allocation of £539 million was the first one to be determined by it .
7 A number of Lions reunions have taken place in the past , but this will be the first one to be held in Ulster .
8 The amphitheatre , constructed in 70 B.C. is a very early example and the first one to be built in stone .
9 Night and a bottle of hot-blooded Spanish wine brought a poem to Jay , the first one for years .
10 It was a hot afternoon and the first one for ages when his time had been his own until bedtime .
11 Ray Butts made the first one for his own guitar player , then he took it to Nashville and showed it to Chet Atkins and Chet bought one .
12 This is one of the closest rich clusters and the first one for which a dark-matter problem was identified ( see figure ) .
13 Two letters , one for the first one for the fifteenth .
14 Well I 'll do the first one for you cos I can do that .
15 Prime with two to three coats of eggshell , thinning down the first one with white spirit to avoid ridges .
16 Next week we start the second part of the course , our erm , our key as it were and we 'll look at the first one with er .
17 Tell him he 's the first one with the remote .
18 The first one at ten , every five years up to the age of sixty five , then annually , and there 's one at the end of the selected period .
19 He does n't look like the first one at all . ’
20 It 's a quick , subtle double press of the tremolo arm — the first one into the note , as usual .
21 " Let the first one into the crush ! "
22 The second thing is the not quite so obvious one of discovering if the present body is the first one of its kind to be set up in the locality , and were there any local organisations which once existed but no longing do so .
23 If you do it will be the first fulfilment of a real goal — the first one of many !
24 Erm do , do the first one of this into the first one .
25 And your cousin was one of the first one of the few women I ever knew , who could take shorthand in Welsh .
26 It 's the first one of many .
27 We just did what we were supposed to do really ha ha we actually read the first one of the quests together , so it was good you know , we decided what to do how to do it .
28 Erm well as many of you know the first one of the first things that you see , if you 're c approaching the town from from the A six one two , from er .
29 The first one on stage had to be the first off the coach that trundled them to and fro .
30 He is the first one on the list to be killed .
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