Example sentences of "the really [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of prolonging the dogfight with West Germany 's Telefunken over their rival bids for the radar contract for the European Fighter Aircraft , the two hi-tech defence manufacturers have decided to do the really European thing and co-operate ; Ferranti would use the Telefunken data-processor in its ECR-90 radar .
2 Instead of prolonging the dogfight with West Germany 's Telefunken over their rival bids for the radar contract for the European Fighter Aircraft , the two hi-tech defence manufacturers have decided to do the really European thing and co-operate ; Ferranti would use the Telefunken data-processor in its ECR-90 radar .
3 In all the really agricultural villages and parts of the kingdom , there is a shocking decay ; a great dilapidation and constant pulling down or falling down of houses .
4 Ms Reeves explains : ‘ With each of the really serious cases — rape , murder , racial harassment — there simply is n't anyone to refer people on to .
5 He admired her enormously and she did what he wanted to do — went into the really serious theatre while he stayed the same . ’
6 He looked at me with twinkling pity for my lack of understanding of the really serious things in life .
7 All categories of sales had shown an increase in the decade , but the really spectacular growth , especially after 1943 , had been in sales to domestic consumers .
8 A changed view of time is one of the really momentous recognitions of the self-directed , ‘ alternative ’ life .
9 In what can only be considered a plan of Baldrickian cunning , not only will the Board 's coffers be groaning with the weight of money but — and here is the really clever part — fewer people than ever will now be able to observe what a mess the game is really in .
10 In what can only be considered a plan of Baldrickian cunning , not only will the Board 's coffers be groaning with the weight of money but — and here is the really clever part — fewer people than ever will now be able to observe what a mess the game is really in .
11 The really heroic man was the one who practised chastity as a young man .
12 The really astonishing thing is how fiction and reality can blur .
13 The really astonishing thing was that Walter Schellenberg did n't consider himself a Nazi , looked on the Third Reich as a sorry charade , its main protagonists actors of a very low order indeed .
14 I 'm worried that they might be school maths teachers ; but the really terrifying prospect is that they might be designers of ships or bridges .
15 But for us the effort still far outweighed the really terrifying prospect of trying to make a living working forty-hour weeks , as our father would have said , " like proper , responsible adults " .
16 This is for the really keen seamstresses , as it calls for some tricky work assembling five risers or ribs within the top and bottom panels , and two combined riser/keels at either side .
17 The stage set is a masterpiece of ingenuity and construction skills , and despite some acoustic problems yet to be solved , no praise could be too high for the really splendid contribution of the Ulster Orchestra under our own Christopher Bell , who has also conducted the work in Dublin .
18 We leave the second part to the sorceress who 's the really strong character in the whole play to spoil this love match and she sends the spirit of herself in the form of the God Mercury to deceive Anaeas into saying he 's got to go away , so he goes and tells Dido he must leave and of course Dido 's heartbroken and she commits suicide and of course this is celebrated with the famous lament at the end of the opera .
19 If it is conceded that the really explosive issue concerns the homosexual , and that the situation of the transsexual is a rare phenomenon , then difficulties which arise within that spectrum of rarity should not be allowed to defeat the whole force of the thesis .
20 The really pathetic thing about all of this is I did .
21 During the Thirties when we were all in the big bands , I remember the really fiery jazz clarinet he used to play with us in the Bag O' Nails , just about the first jazz club in Britain . ’
22 Do n't mist furry-leaved plants such as African violets and calatheas , or the really paper-thin-leaved ones such as maidenhair ferns .
23 The really sad reflection is , that if we must have a golf course at Redworth ( and only one lone voice was allowed to speak in opposition at the meeting ) , there is absolutely no need to remove any trees at all .
24 The really innovative side to the new BOSS then , is the marketing strategy .
25 The really grisly work would be done at the mortuary .
26 The really posh people would sometimes by-pass all the local shops when they wanted something extra special for a big occasion .
27 For there was all the difference between the modest hillocks of comfort which the successful worker or ex-worker might reasonably hope to climb and the really impressive accumulations of wealth .
28 The extent of these black markings varies according to latitude : the really dark birds breed in northern Iceland or Scandinavia .
29 The Rice/Lloyd Webber partnership petered out after Evita in 1976 , and in 1978 Lloyd Webber founded the Really Useful Company to manage his shows .
30 By 1985 the Really Useful Company was showing a £2.7 million profit incredibly , almost all of it coming from one source , Cats , Lloyd Webber 's biggest money-spinner yet .
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