Example sentences of "the government [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 Also , the government at this time actively encouraged Gospel preaching , in contrast to the government of Charles I. During these times , godliness of life was no longer despised , but generally regarded by most people as something honourable and praiseworthy .
2 For the government at this stage took a hand in the affair .
3 The uncompromising attitude of the government at this time was reflected in a proposal announced on Aug. 10 to evacuate Tamils from the whole Jaffna peninsula ( where about 1,000,000 of them lived ) and house them in refugee camps at Vavuniya while the military sought to " annihilate " the LTTE .
4 But is n't it er true according the reports in the financial times , that the government at this moment is planning to withdraw Britain from the I L O. Precisely because the I L O has censured Britain a censure that is normally a sanction that is normally applied to countries like Haiti and North Korea .
5 Furthermore , many conservatives are wondering whether they are inheriting a poisoned chalice by taking over the government at this time , with the economy moving into a recession , unemployment teetering on the brink of three million , public spending deficits soaring and the franc under renewed attack on the foreign exchange market .
6 The danger of a " spill-over " from the Bougainville conflict in Papua New Guinea ( PNG ) was a major concern of the government during this period .
7 Is it wholly chimerical to hope that a newly elected Tory government with an unassailable majority might do its duty , however painful for itself , and take the first steps to reverse this pernicious evil and restore the tried and tested order of our ancestors by which only those fitted to rule have any right to elect the government of this country under the Crown ?
8 Now suppose that the government of this country believes that curve A represents a permanent trade-off between unemployment and inflation and chooses therefore to reduce unemployment to U* by increasing the rate of growth of the nominal money supply .
9 The capitalist class are concentrated and centred in the government of this country today to an extent they never were before ; they are using the House of Commons for the purpose of defeating the working class organisations of this country , and the cooperative movement realised when the government set out to challenge the N.U.R .
10 Some writers appear still to feel that the criterion remains one of recognition by the government of this country , the difference being that , whereas before 1980 the government would say expressly whether it recognised the foreign government , now it is to be left to be ascertained as a matter of inference : see Professor J. Crawford ‘ Decisions of British Courts during 1985–86 involving questions of Public or Private International Law ’ ( 1986 ) 57 B.Y .
11 And I always find it extremely amusing that the government of this country screams about Brussels wanting to centralize everything when they of course , are the most centralizing British government , the present conservatives , that we 've ever known .
12 The Government of this country has two of our brothers in a prison near this airport .
13 First , it is our duty and our joy to pray for our queen and the government of this country .
14 For any political party that makes any pretence of seeking the government of this country to want to remove from the courts the sanction that my hon. Friend has described as so essential is utterly irresponsible .
15 The difference is that , far from investing in our own industry , the Government of this country is slaughtering it .
16 Therefore , it must be incumbent on the Government of this country , as one of the Permanent Five and one of the main sponsors of the United Nations , to give a clear lead in seeking greater authority , support and resources for the IAEA .
17 The right hon. Gentleman may be prepared to hand over the government of this country to trade unions abroad , but that is not the position of the Conservative party .
18 P.S. We must not forget on the platform that the Liberals are just as responsible as the government for this crisis : indeed more so , for their assistance was voluntary .
19 Dorset SSD director Robin Se-Queira , who attended a national conference last week , hopes local authorities will earmark funds out of their community care grant for drug and alcohol care , though no extra funds have been given by the government for this new responsibility .
20 She deformed Social Services and now has the gall to congratulate the Government for this under-funded Act .
21 Insurance companies are more likely to improve their sales methods if Sir Bryan tackles the Government on this issue .
22 Is the Minister aware of the continuing concern among natural health therapists and others about the inadequate consultation so far by the Government on this important matter and of the allegations of serious omissions and inaccuracies in the Denner report , which was supposed to be based on previous consultations ?
23 The defeat of the government in this conflict condemned it , irretrievably as events were to show , to growing financial weakness and vulnerability .
24 The actions of the Government in this matter have been quite remarkable , not least in the degree of arrogance on display , but more distressingly as a result of a public rendered powerless by a Scottish Office unwilling to listen to its demands .
25 They 're always knocking the government in this country , it 's not much the government are , are they ?
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