Example sentences of "the work [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They expect servants to be invisible , but they expect the work to be done all the same , ’ put in Ethel .
2 The method works on the principle that the art form is a healing agent but that time must be allowed for the work to be effective .
3 I also found the work to be a lot more precise and everyone put that little bit of extra effort into their work .
4 Not for another two decades was his great work finished , and then only because a local artist , Bramantino , used his own cash to do it , believing the work to be a masterpiece .
5 When the patient sits on the side of the plinth for treatment , the height of the plinth is selected according to the work to be done .
6 The latter remedy is only possible in practice however where the work to be executed is within the scope of the local authority 's expertise .
7 Privately , dissatisfied participants questioned whether the organiser — a New York company that sells advertising space in journals , publishes minor journals and headhunts biotechnologists — was truly qualified to assess the scientific merit of the work to be presented .
8 Both Bills would have preserved the deprave-and-corrupt test , significant in itself , but would have added a new test , sufficient in its own right for the work to be deemed obscene .
9 Pope Paul IV , for instance , was so shocked by what he saw that he ordered the work to be obliterated in 1555 on the grounds of obscenity .
10 Due to the complexity of the internal alterations it was necessary for the work to be programmed and undertaken in several phases , within the overall contract period of 18 months .
11 Grants of any kind are usually only given for a proportion of the cost of the work to be done , but when necessary , local authorities can make loans for the balance , on which interest has to be paid .
12 Such items would only become liabilities when contracts are placed for the goods to be provided or the work to be carried out .
13 Carey had , from the beginning , planned for the work to be extended through native evangelists and Krishna went on to become one of the best ambassadors for Christ to his own people .
14 Approval shall not be required under this Agreement in the case of a sub-contract in respect of which the Sub-contractor and the work to be sub-contracted has been specified in the Proposal .
15 Maxie made himself some coffee and took it out to the patio , where he surveyed the work to be done .
16 The work to be discussed , some of it quite recent , has generally lain outside both academic psychology and clinical psychiatry , mostly being carried out by experimental researchers from neighbouring disciplines with an interest in the topic .
17 When a researcher is investigating an institution of some kind , it is usually necessary to get permission from the authorities for the work to be done .
18 I loathe the documents that prove that ‘ Guernica ’ was not a generous gift to the nation but was in fact sold by Picasso for FFr150,000 , the largest sum the painter had so far earned , thus permitting the work to be shown at the Centro Reina Sofía .
19 Brenninkmeyer , together with funding from the federal government and the Land , are paying for the work to be done before the treasures go back on display in Quedlinburg next summer .
20 Contract Compliance Local authorities when inviting tenders must specify clearly the work to be done and the conditions under which it should be completed .
21 Staff availability should be determined by the work to be done .
22 The work to be considered in this chapter provides for a temporary completion of the argument concerning the nature of objectification to which the first part of this book has been devoted .
23 ‘ that the master manufacturer , by dividing the work to be executed into different processes , each requiring different degrees of skill or of force , can purchase exactly that precise quantity of both which is necessary for each process ; whereas , if the work were executed by one workman , that person must possess sufficient skill to perform the most difficult , and sufficient strength to execute the most laborious , of the operations into which the art is divided ’ .
24 Each form finishes with a summary of the work to be undertaken , by whom and by when .
25 The extent of the work to be included in the bonus target should be geared to provide the operative with the maximum incentive .
26 The work to be done in the organisation must be divided into manageable activities and manageable jobs .
27 It is this phase where there are many failures because the size of task being addressed is large ; normally there has been a formal specification of the work to be done , and the technologist has not the experience nor the qualifications to carry the work through .
28 With John Aylmer , a London mason , William contracted to vault the choir on 5 June 1506 , the work to be finished by the end of 1508 .
29 Since any further delay would limit the use of this space for this season the chairman went ahead and arranged for the work to be carried out .
30 This is caused by : homogeneity of task , ie lack of variety emotions caused by frustration or discouragement a rate of learning which is too fast or too slow Fatigue may reduce the effort the student is putting into learning or he may fix his attention on particular elements of the work to be learned rather than on the work as a whole .
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