Example sentences of "of [be] that the " in BNC.

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1 One thing you can be sure of is that the panel will know the words of these characters very well ( they will probably be able to prompt you at any given moment should you ‘ dry ’ ) but each and every time the lines are spoken by a new voice they are different in their texture , humour , drama and music .
2 What they lose sight of is that the only possible justification of the expense of supporting these vast bureaucratic machines is to ensure that the necessary high standard of safety is established and maintained .
3 The only thing you have to be careful of is that the hardcard is thin enough not to obscure too many of the very few slots that the 2000 series has .
4 The first thing we must er be sure of is that the coefficients within the sample are reasonably , er reasonably constant , right .
5 I thought for a while and said that the only thing I could think of was that the British government did not — although it would have been slow to admit it — at that moment cut much ice with the South African government , but the United States government cut considerable ice .
6 But one thing Rachel was certain of was that the revival of those memories had only intensified her dislike of her sister 's ex-fiancé , and when she arrived for work the following Monday morning and he was the first person she saw she found her resolve to have as little to do with him as possible had only been strengthened .
7 She had all that to fill her heart with but at this moment all she could think of was that the stranger had left her side .
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