Example sentences of "of [pron] life [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The money will go to support Scottish composers , all but one of whom lives on native soil .
2 The largest of them lives in the rivers of Japan .
3 The course of my life during the period from the end of 1940 until the autumn of 1945 is one of which I intend to write an account ; but this is not the place for it .
4 And I would not give another year of my life to a new version , he wrote .
5 My schooldays are the one period of my life to which I do not care to refer and were anything but happy .
6 In a sane world , I thought , we would have discussed the state of my feelings , debated whether I loved Syl sufficiently to commit the rest of my life to him , questioned my views on the institution of marriage , examined my mother 's motives in striving to introduce me into this state , have said something of some interest .
7 ‘ I 'd given the best years of my life to television .
8 ‘ I 've had time to think it well and truly through in what has been the longest three quarters of an hour of my life between phone call and you getting here — and it just has to be you .
9 I had discovered an area of my life over which others had no control .
10 ‘ I do n't have a feeling that after putting so much energy and a big piece of my life into the Maryinsky I could leave .
11 After David had been there a couple of weeks , I used to go off doing odd bits of work in London , working as a journalist , although I was n't very keen on that side of my life at the time — there were other things that interested me more .
12 I spent six of the happiest years of my life at a boarding school where the regime was spartan .
13 Businessman Tim Godwin last night paid tribute to ‘ the remarkable woman I shared 11 years of my life with ’ .
14 I never miss a day of my life with washing on the line .
15 I did not want to share the rest of my life with a ghost .
16 For the first time I saw clearly that it would be impossible to go through the rest of my life with a barrier in my mind between the baby and its conception .
17 I was hoping that perhaps human beings would change their ways after reading the stories of my life with the Houys .
18 Apart from anything else , I 've not met a girl I 'd want to spend the rest of my life with — at least , not until I met you , and Harry 's pipped me to the post . ’
19 After his marriage he had reformed , filling the day with unremitting attention to business and spending ‘ almost every evening of my life with my family ’ .
20 If you would like to share a bit of my life with me , then give me a bit of yours I will reply so do n't make me cry , get me high , and reply to SKY .
21 My favourite cousin is in remission , a transplant is now possible , my favourite girl has found her natural mother — and I have found the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with . ’
22 ‘ There was no doubt in my mind , no confusion , simply a compulsion to live the rest of my life with you . ’
23 I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him .
24 I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him .
25 If he does n't then he 'll go out of my life for ever .
26 I regard that day as determining the direction of my life for the next two years at least .
27 It was n't the right time of my life for concentration , it really was n't .
28 Before I die , I want to write the true story of my life for you .
29 Building up to the anniversary had been the focus of my life for several months ; now it was over I felt depressed and despairing again .
30 The area of my life for which you believed yourself a candidate is being taken care of quite adequately at the moment .
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