Example sentences of "of [pron] child 's " in BNC.

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1 How will I be informed of my child 's progress through the Compact ?
2 My family has set some poor standards but I hope that the breakdown of three of my children 's marriages will be seen as what it is , an honest admission of failure and a hope that a happier future lies in separate lives .
3 The Irish Republic is a Catholic country and even those Protestants who do not expect to be actively persecuted doubt that they will have full civil and religious liberty when the major religious institution refuses to engage in fair competition by , for example , permitting the parents free choice of their child 's religion in the case of mixed marriage .
4 PARENTS ' disapproval of their child 's friends can begin at a surprisingly young age .
5 Among the manifestations of this conflict are cases where parents have challenged the content of their child 's education by withdrawing him/her from school .
6 Although prosecution followed by a fine can bring home to parents the reality of their child 's non-attendance problem , a financial penalty is likely to be inappropriate when imposed on what is often a poor family whose financial problems are already one of the factors threatening family stability .
7 Parents will be informed of the results of their child 's assessment .
8 The classroom teacher may be concerned with the parents that do n't turn up — those parents that the teacher particularly wanted to ‘ have a go at ’ because of their child 's poor behaviour , lack of effort , continual lateness or some other failure to conform .
9 Anxious , inexperienced mothers can be the source of their child 's mysterious health problems , of course , but there is increasing evidence that it is commonly something in the diet or the environment .
10 Parents may be more critical of their child 's behaviour than a teacher , or less critical .
11 ‘ Whatever the contribution of aggressive toys to children 's anti-social behaviour may be , ’ concludes Professor Goldstein , ‘ it is fairly minor compared to such factors as the parents ' use of aggression and their tolerance of their child 's aggression . ’
12 Cross-cultural studies have demonstrated that Bantu mothers establish night and day dryness by 5 to 6 months of age by being aware of their child 's signs ( de Vries and de Vries 1977 ) .
13 Improving the communication system between school and home so that all parents have the opportunity to develop a positive image of their child 's school .
14 It is a lack , a disqualification , an inability to face the reality of their child 's disability .
15 This chapter looks at the perceptions of parents of their role in the assessment of their child 's special educational needs as part of the Statementing process carried out under the 1981 Education Act .
16 The mothers of 56 of the 71 children diagnosed during 1972–89 were living in the study area at the time of their child 's birth .
17 At the time of their child 's birth , the parents of case and control children were similar with respect to their age , distance of residence from a nuclear establishment , and social class ( table III ) .
18 No fathers were monitored for exposure at around the time of their child 's conception , or in the four years preceding their child 's conception .
19 The Poor Law authorities took ‘ repeaters ’ and from 1927 had sweeping powers to detain girls who were classified as mentally defective and who were in receipt of poor relief at the time of their child 's birth .
20 Local parents should discuss the possibilities with the head of their child 's school , and if possible get the child referred to the psychologist , who will assess the child for intelligence .
21 Also rejected has been the Elton Committee 's proposal that parents might have civil liability imposed upon them in respect of their children 's acts .
22 When schools ca n't find replacement teachers when staff are absent the anger of parents at the disruption of their children 's education can be severe .
23 The fact is that most parents find discipline one of the most difficult parts of their job ; not a few find it an impossible task — especially at particular periods of their children 's lives .
24 In Pepper v Hart , the House of Lords held that the benefit to be assessed on teachers at Malvern College in respect of their children 's education there should be the marginal cost to the school of providing the education , less any contribution the teachers made ( p 85 ) .
25 The benefit to be assessed on teachers at Malvern College in respect of their children 's education there was held to be the marginal cost to the school of providing the education , less any contribution the teachers made .
26 The vast majority of black parents are uninterested and even disapproving of their children 's involvements in sport and Hunter 's were no exception : ‘ It [ sport ] did n't help , but now I 'm doing good at it , he [ his father ] does n't mind so much .
27 I agree wholeheartedly that parents need to be informed of their children 's progress .
28 In this country much of that experience is differentiated along class lines : crudely , the very well-off use the predominantly single-sex public and boarding school system to accustom their children to an elite future , and the middle class ensure that their neighbourhood state school reinforces the values of their children 's socialisation at home and that , in a streamed system , their children are all in the higher streams ; meanwhile , working-class children are largely concentrated in the less well-resourced state schools , are often in the lower streams , and are frequently regarded by their teachers and even encouraged to think of themselves as ‘ no-hopers ’ .
29 For example , in what was a most influential study at the time , Robert Sears , Eleanor Maccoby and Harry Levin obtained reports from the mothers of 379 5 year olds on the rearing practices they had adopted at various phases of their children 's lives .
30 Where children do come into care , close contact is maintained with the parents and they have to pay towards the cost of their children 's upkeep according to their means .
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