Example sentences of "of [pron] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And the evidence suggests that PRP is discriminatory against women and ethnic minorities , both of whom are strongly represented in nursing . ’
2 Even feminists , most of whom are traditionally opposed to pornography , have voiced approval for what the amateur performers are doing .
3 In the Stormont debate on the events of 5 October , Craig referred to NICRA as ‘ an omnium gatherum made up of members of the Londonderry Housing Action Committee , the majority of whom are also members of the Connolly Association , of the Republican Party which includes well-known members of the IRA and Sinn Féin , of the Young Socialists and of the Communist Party ’ .
4 But for the painful bout of constipation , the aesthetics of mass eating — coping with hospital food when sharing a table with sixteen others most of whom are also carrying some form of umbilical , from blood to urine — everything was fine .
5 The Scottish Select for tomorrow 's match includes Carol Maclean ( Livingston ) and Debbie Strang ( Glasgow City Brightsiders ) , both of whom are also in the national squad preparing for internationals against Wales at the end of March and the Home Countries Championship in Glasgow in April .
6 I , I , I would wonder if Mr 's questions need to be erm , taken up with the chief public health inspector , because I think that that , or it , that appears to be , or possibly the trading chi=standards , trading standards officer , neither of whom are here .
7 Altogether eighteen artists took part , all of whom are either practising or have been carpet designers in the past .
8 Her condition is irreversible and she writes , ‘ this is not so much news as an appeal to Somervillians who might bring the existence of these neuropathies to the attention of the public , some of whom are probably in the early stages . ’
9 The opponents maintained that the secondary market serves only a tiny fraction of American artists , most of whom are already quite rich .
10 But if the problems of training staff and investing in the necessary hardware and software systems are proving burdensome to national institutions , they will surely place an intolerable strain on the budgets of local archival services , many of whom are already faced with reduced hours of opening and the like simply in order to survive .
11 The long hours — most of his staff are working 18 hours a day — and the pressure are taking their toll on his campaign team , many of whom are clearly very tired .
12 The famous names of this generation include Robert Rauschenberg , Jasper Johns , Jim Dine , Roy Lichtenstein , Andy Warhol , Claes Oldenberg , James Rosenquist and Ed Ruscha , all of whom are prominently featured in Schimmel 's selection by works of art created at the beginning of their careers .
13 WHO now has some fifty staff in the area , half of whom are locally engaged .
14 How can we appeal to part time workers and convince them that we can change things for the better , many of whom are home workers who are working in appalling conditions and often for less than fifty pence an hour ?
15 Open Houses are for any mums and their children the majority of whom are obviously of pre-school age .
16 Open Houses are for any mums and their children the majority of whom are obviously of pre-school age .
17 Open Houses are for any mums and their children the majority of whom are obviously of pre-school age .
18 Open Houses are for any mums and their children the majority of whom are obviously of pre-school age .
19 Open Houses are for any mums and their children the majority of whom are obviously of pre-school age .
20 Its programmes are presented by well-established ‘ personality ’ broadcasters , some of whom are very music-oriented .
21 But it intends to protect the incomes of the smallest European producers , many of whom are only part-time farmers .
22 A relative in the same village had goods valued at no more than 6s. 8d. , though enjoying an income of £3. 6s. 8d. from land , which , in this poor region , may , rather than £5 , have been the minimum for gentlemen , many of whom are only identifiable by their landed incomes .
23 They are Mr Sisulu , Andrew Mlangeni , Raymond Mhlaba , Ahmed Kathrada and Elias Motsoaledi , all of whom are more than 60 years old .
24 The 1983 Water Act reduced local authority representation on Regional Water Authorities and the new boards have fewer members , all of whom are now appointed by the Environment Minister .
25 Combining taught material with individual project work this course is complimentary to the existing MSc ( Eng ) in Water Resources Technology which since 1965 has produced more than 300 graduates , many of whom are now in senior positions in the water industry throughout the world .
26 The aluminium smelter at Bandar Abbas employed 40 staff at its peak during the summer , some of whom are now working on the major refurbishment of the News International printworks at Wapping which is in its early stages .
27 The nature of the Premier League club chairmen , most of whom are highly successful businsessmen , not without confidence in their own judgement , makes it almost impossible for them to give others carte blanche .
28 In December the City Committee of the Belgrade Party ( which is the largest city organization of communists in Yugoslavia , with nearly a quarter of a million of members , many of whom are highly influential federal and Serbian bureaucrats ) elected as its new president Professor Radoš Smiljković , professor of political science at Belgrade University .
29 The definition of the Confederation of British Industry of the United Kingdom work force as ’ under-educated , under-trained and under-qualified ’ ironically does not apply to the majority of refugees , many of whom are highly qualified and skilled .
30 It is assumed that provisional agreement has been reached between prospective partners , all of whom are fully qualified solicitors ; that the firm name has been chosen and premises identified ; that certificates and licences have been obtained as necessary in relation to specialist aspects of the work of the practice and registration obtained for VAT ; that the Solicitors ' Indemnity Fund has been informed of the existence of the new practice ; and generally that there is no legal or professional obstacle to accepting instructions from clients .
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