Example sentences of "of [pron] be [being] " in BNC.

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1 They 're particularly concerned about people over 60 , many of whom are being dismissed as untreatable , even though they 're suffering pain and deformity .
2 At present there are no more than half-a-dozen British products in the fields covered by Alvey and most of them are being used experimentally .
3 Barn owls need barns or similar buildings for breeding , and more and more of them are being converted into country houses .
4 So what 's interesting here is that they seem to be having a conversation about un the university matters , the history department and so on but in fact there 's this kind of subtext going on here in which both of them want to find out about the other person 's children and both of them are being very mysterious and avoiding the question .
5 Some of them are being taught in dining halls , store rooms and offices .
6 Many of them are being forced to turn the crop into cattle feed because Britain has more potatos than it needs .
7 Lot of them are being sacked off the bloody telly in n it ?
8 I 'm just trying to remember everybody in the same afternoon , to collect them all because of about six of them are being done around here
9 And I do n't mean I 'm bending them , but there were some , as I 've said many times , a lot of silly people refereeing in speedway , and thank goodness now , ninety nine per cent of them are being sensible and we 're seeing some good refereeing .
10 Each of them is being pumped into the atmosphere in vast amounts : and the reason they are not found in vast amounts is that they are extremely reactive or soluble in water , and so are quickly converted into some other compound , or washed out by rain .
11 An exact replica of one of them is being shipped to Armenia , right down to blackboards and chalk , but it 's taken top level agreement between Mr Gorbachev and Mrs Thatcher to make it happen .
12 However , the whole lot of them were being manipulated by the men who ran the music business …
13 Although most of them were being paid so little that employment had become a farce , an irrelevance .
14 Most of them were being scraped from the ceiling . ’
15 In the early sixteenth century the prices of essential goods rose more sharply than those of inessentials , and at the same time wage differentials increased again , so it is likely that by this date population was rising again , and that as real wages declined a higher proportion of them was being spent on essential goods and less on luxuries .
16 In addition , many of those who have had their homes repossessed are now being chased by building societies and banks for the short-falls arising after the sale of their homes , many of which are being sold for less than the mortgage owing on them .
17 General Accident are not expecting any additional claims activity as a result of the flooding in the Mid-West , the insurance costs of which are being handled under the US Government 's National Flood Insurance Programme .
18 Several pictures were taken of the installation , some of which are being used for promotional purposes .
19 The coal is then combined with various chemicals ( details of which are being kept secret ) which , during combustion , react with the organic sulphur and turn it into ash , thereby preventing its escape into the atmosphere .
20 David Trippier , responsible for the environment and countryside , visited the centre where butterflies are bred and then released in C&P conservation areas — some of which are being specially managed to create the right habitat for the colourful creatures .
21 The borehole also provided new information that will lead to a structural reinterpretation of parts of the Tempisque forearc basin , the hydrocarbon potential of which is being investigated by a local organisation .
22 This might be the case where a firm recommends a customer to purchase an investment , the issue of which is being underwritten by the firm .
23 The Court of Appeal has , however , subsequently held that in the exceptional cases in which a Mareva injunction might be granted in support of a foreign judgment or arbitration award ( enforcement of which is being sought in England ) the injunction will normally be limited to assets in England .
24 The entire project including the Musselburgh and Portobello Bypasses had an estimated overall cost of £126 million , a proportion of which is being met by Central Government Grant and a European Regional Development Fund Grant .
25 The addition of Uphall will greatly enhance our capabilities in this area of business , the development of which is being masterminded by Peter Witherington .
26 Meanwhile two twelve foot Axminster Jacquards are being overhauled and rep-commissioned ready for contract and export orders , the first of which is being woven for Stakis Country Court Hotels .
27 This represents a merger of the previous Law Society and National conditions of sale , use of which is being discontinued .
28 Of the nursery , the location of which is being kept secret , Mr Wood said : ‘ We are geared to taking the injured and now have veterinary backing . ’
29 Mike Turner , chairman of BAe 's Jetstream Holdings subsidiary , said that over the next few years ‘ hundreds of millions of pounds ’ are due to be invested in the Jetstream family of aircraft , construction of which is being concentrated at Prestwick following an extensive reorganisation at BAe .
30 He reports that the harvest had been very abundant but mentions nothing but potatoes , the surplus of which was being sent to the south , the earlies at £5 per ton which after deducting freight etc. leaves the farmer about £4–5–0 ; rocks were £4 per ton .
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