Example sentences of "of [pron] [vb mod] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At other times the two of them would wolf down a whole packet of After Eight mints with no apparent difficulty .
2 There is a presumption ( but no more ) that it is a penalty when ‘ a single lump is made payable by way of compensation , on the occurrence of one or more or all of several events , some of which may occasion serious and others but trifling damage … ’
3 The rest of you can f— off , you can f— off , ’ he snarls .
4 The new album starts with an entirely different version of We Will Rock You , that is to say , the traditional carol .
5 Oh yes well yes I mean it would be nice of we could sort of clean those out of the the soundtrack and all the stumbles over words an
6 The knowledge she had of him would armour her against belief .
7 That 's in fact what I feel I ought to , since nothing of mine could ad to the fire and force and beauy that 's here .
8 This did not lead him to question the principle of majority decisions ; but it did lead him to pay attention to the social , cultural and economic conditions in which the will of all , or the will of the majority , would be more rather than less likely to coincide with " the general will " , by which Rousseau meant what all of us would will if we thought of ourselves not as private individuals but as citizens identifying ourselves with the good of the community .
9 Gabby , who , with her husband , was preparing to run a guest house and had quite enough to do at home , cooked and brought down to the new house a hearty and beautifully cooked meal each evening , and filthy and exhausted the three of us would wolf it down .
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