Example sentences of "of [adj] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The members of the Comité Colbert , an association of 70 of France 's biggest luxury companies , increased their sales by a quarter in 1989 to $5.4 billion .
2 If , in the jury 's opinion , the prosecution had proved beyond all doubt that the two men in the dock were responsible for this brave young constable 's demise , then they had but one course , and that was to bring a verdict of guilty of manslaughter .
3 However , five years of the sentence were suspended after the judge took into consideration the length of time Hopkins had already spent in custody , and his plea of guilty of possession of guns and explosives in French territorial waters in 1987 .
4 If a person is rightly charged with larceny , but the jury in reliance on section 44(3) mistakenly convict him of obtaining by false pretences , the Court of Criminal Appeal can not substitute a verdict of guilty of larceny under section 5(2) of the Criminal Appeal Act 1907 ; for the verdict implies an acquittal of larceny , so that it can not ‘ [ appear ] to the Court of Criminal Appeal that the jury must have been satisfied of facts which proved him guilty of [ larceny ] ’ ( Rex v. Fisher ( 1921 ) 16 Cr.App.R. 53 ) .
5 This has considerable practical importance , since this is all that the prosecution has to prove in order to obtain a verdict of guilty of murder .
6 C adds to the 1017 entry that the exiled ætheling Eadwig was afterwards killed , which could imply that the original was written before this happened ; but it should be noted that the final sentence of the same annal , on Cnut 's marriage to Emma before 1 August , comes after the notice of Eadric of Mercia 's execution , which Florence of Worcester says happened at Christmas ; if so , the sentence on the marriage looks like a relatively late addition .
7 Lying beside it was a sheet of coloured adhesive markers and a handwritten list that noted the location of each of Ross 's killings .
8 For polymerase chain reaction assays , 5 µl supernatant sample was added to 45 µl reaction premix consisting of 67 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.8 , 16.6 mM NH 4 SO 4 , 3.35 mM MgCl 2 ( 6 mM for IS902-PCR ) , 1.7 mg/ml BSA , 0.2 mM of each of datp , dGTP , dCTP , dTTP , 300 ng each of primers P90 and P91 ( P102 and P103 for IS902-PCR ) , 10 mM β-mercaptoethanol , 10 mM Tris ; 0.1 mM EDTA and 2 units of Taq DNA polymerase ( Amplitaq T M Cetus ) .
9 More importantly , in return for supporting the Government they also extracted a promise that Scotland 's representation on this potentially very powerful body will comprise at least one representative of each of Scotland 's four major parties .
10 Erm however he 's saying that you know where , where there is erm you know , pe peasant erm associations basically that they are trying to , you know , get together , club together and make sure that say the surcharge of , of each of land erm is at least being re reduced or abolished .
11 The decree on regional authorities defined the duties of the Amir of each of Saudi Arabia 's regions .
12 Leaders of eight of Bolivia 's political parties agreed in early August on 10 proposals for constitutional , judicial and educational changes .
13 Significantly , however , it also recommended safeguards against the dismissal of chief officers including a proposal to prevent dismissal of a chief executive except on the vote of two-thirds of council membership .
14 Monsengwo , an outspoken critic of Mobutu , received the support of two-thirds of delegates ; in a speech to the conference he said that he aimed to help the people achieve reconciliation .
15 The St Helens rally is one of a series of events in the North-West during the 90-day consultation period over the planned closure of two-thirds of Britain 's mines .
16 The largest faction in the civil war , the Somali National Alliance ( SNA ) of Gen. Mohammed Farah Aydid which claimed control of two-thirds of Mogadishu and of most of southern Somalia , continued to object to a larger UN presence , arguing that this would undermine Somali sovereignty .
17 When Queen Elizabeth succeeded her sister Mary in 1558 , the Anglican form of Church government which was restored in place of that of Rome was by no means firmly based .
18 USA productivity was 75 per cent of that of Japan ; its overall position would benefit from greater involvement of senior management , more manpower in R&D , greater participation of production in design and greater completeness of information .
19 Unix — with the Unix System Laboratories Inc product code-named Destiny , currently the front-runner , is a very dark horse , and Novell Inc , whose success up to now has ridden on the back of that of MS-DOS , now appears to be an undemonstrative supporter of the Unix camp , with DR DOS as a place-holder that could turn out to be more important than most people currently imagine .
20 Where it differs significantly from Gournia is in being situated in the bottom of a steep-sided valley instead of on a low hill ; in a sense , the Zakro site is the mirror image of that of Gournia .
21 Even if one included this initial adherence , however , there would still be a significant difference in uptake , but the derived uptake is a mere fraction of that of 5-ASA .
22 The shape of woman 's face was far in advance of that of man ; in the number of teeth they were leading evolution ; they had more grace and more perfect physical beauty .
23 Subsequent of that of course to meet the need we had Stage Directions come into being very vibrant thrusting young people theatre 's company and really what 's happen is that Stage Directions in part anyway has taken over the mantle of the old Harlow youth theatre .
24 Erm I could n't er you 'd , I 'd need warning of that of course .
25 Yes , well you are talking about children 's services , but , I , I think if Mr 's going to talk later to this , if you want , but we are absolutely at the moment , we know that eighty nine percent of work at the child care centre is to do with child protection with to deal with it , and by that I mean abuse , physical and sexual abuse , er , concerns about that and a lot of that of course is , is tied up in procedural ways , and we 're dealing with events almost after the situation has er , got going , er , and of course , with the courts , you know that we 've got duties in relation to the courts , that we , we have to fulfil or else we are the subject of criticism from the er , courts , and we have been rapped at various er , times .
26 Rousseau 's conception of society , at least in Du Contrat Social , was the exact opposite of that of individualist writers like Hobbes and Bentham , for whom society was in essence a collection of discrete individuals , held together by laws and authority .
27 Germany now has an economy roughly twice the size of that of Britain .
28 Moreover by the 1750s the provincial parlements , hitherto relatively inactive , were increasingly following the lead of that of Paris .
29 Crocodiles can lose water at a rate of up to half of that of amphibians ( which have a much more permeable skin , and would greatly suffer from desiccation on land were it not for the safety valve of a reduced urine flow , which passes much of its water content back into the body ) .
30 Certainly pictorial Futurism owed a great deal to Cubism and was even considered by some to be , like Orphism , an off-shoot of it , although its development was exactly the converse of that of Orphism .
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